The most hated Democrat…

No, it’s neither Mayor Bill de Blasio, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, nor Gov. Gavin Newsom. It’s Joe Manchin, a US senator from Pennsylvania who’s so alone on the far-right edge of the Democratic Party that he might as well be in that Good Ole Piranhas’ fascist gang. And, because of the fifty-fifty split in the Senate, he can become a virtual autocrat because of the leverage that allows him to blackmail the Biden administration. Such is the current situation in the US these days—one person torpedoing all future progress in Covid relief; police, economic, and immigration reforms; and gun control—to name some important changes that must be made to preserve our democracy.

Manchin forced adjustments in the Covid relief bill that made Biden’s package worse than what Trump and his sleazy mafia offered to the American people. Imagine! He’s practicing the same chicanery with the infrastructure bill. And forget gun control—the bankrupt NRA loves Mr. Manchin! This GOP wolf dressed in Democratic sheep’s clothing is doing tremendous damage to the Dem’s plans to revitalize and make a better America, one man with far too much power in what is looking more and more like a failing US democracy. He has also sold his soul to the reelection devil, because, in deep purple Pennsylvania, he has to create there some kind of appeal to those marching morons in the Good Ole Piranhas’ crazy base. I suppose satanic Trump loves Manchin because that loser but still a devilish con man revels in stiffing common people struggling to make an honest living and feed their families, whatever their party. The latter are people Trump considers to be suckers ripe for the fleecing.

Yes, Manchin might as well be in loser Trump’s camp like butt-kissers Mitch McConnell (in the sense of leading the charge against the Biden administrtion); shifty, sleazy Lindsey Graham; double-speaking Kevin McCarthy, soon-to-be-in-prison Matt Gaetz; and other infamous Republican fascists. Manchin is helping them destroy American democracy and go against the will of the people.

The fundamental problem here is that Manchin has no moral backbone. He’ll never receive a Profiles in Courage award either. His actions are determined by his obsessive interest is re-election. He’s adding to the problems the US is facing right now: The country is divided between the marching morons, mostly old racist white boys afraid that their privileged status is threatened, without considering their own economic interests (who the hell will pay for their social security benefits if there are no immigrant workers to replace them?); and the rest of us, no matter what the color, who want to see a functional country where progress is made.

Many times I’ve thought the only solution is another civil war. That could be bloody, as we saw with the Capitol insurrection led by sleazebag Trump. (And, like the one in the nineteenth century, old Joe’s Pennsylvania would at the center of the conflict! How many died in Gettysburg?) Hopefully, it will be a more peaceful parting of the ways where East and West Coast and northern-tier states, the so-called “blue states,” remain the progressive bastion of the free world, and the others sink into abject poverty, especially as local talent flees the mess they’re bent on creating.

Admittedly, a break-up, peaceful or not, can be messy, just like a marriage gone sour. But let’s face it: the South won’t stop fighting the Civil War or give up its traditional Jim-Crow ways of hatred, bigotry, and racism. Why should the rest of us tolerate that crap? That includes Manchin too, and most of Pennsylvania outside Philly and Pittsburgh that are representative of that state’s “east and west coasts.” Maybe we can clean the Trumpers out of the state out and kick Manchin and other jerks out, sending them to radical and fascist, red America where they belong.

In any case, I consider dishonorable Sen. Joe Manchin public enemy number one for our democracy. He represents everything I see wrong with America right now, and I’m fed up with him.


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