Changes to my website…

…past, present, and future. I’m always tweaking things, so I thought it might be appropriate to discuss some recent changes that you, the reader, might find important.

Generally speaking, my “Home” web page is the least permanent, if only because I announce events and books to be published or were recently published there. For example, I recently announced updates to my list of free PDF downloads, which include the new Sleuthing, British-Style, Volume Two (two novellas)—Volume One is available everywhere quality ebooks are sold…for only $0.99—and, to continue, an update to my little course “Writing Fiction,” and a press kit for general use. I also announced the imminent publication of A. B. Carolan’s new ebook Origins, Book One of the Densisovan Trilogy. Other than such newsy items, the random visitor might not notice many changes between visits.


Policy changes are announced too, and they’re spread across the website’s pages. For example, I announced that after March 1, 2021, I’ll no longer offer new books on Amazon. I won’t dwell on my reasons—if you read these blog articles regularly, you’ll know some of them. Ebooks will only be sold via Smashwords or Draft2Digital and their affiliates. (For example, my Irish colleague A. B. Carolan’s new ebook will only be offered on Smashwords and its affiliated retailers and lending and library services. Never fear, Kindle users! .mobi formatted ebooks are available on Smashwords and many of those affiliates.) I won’t be publishing anymore print books after that date either. These are big policy changes!

I’ve also stopped posting a newsletter in this blog. My only newsletter from now on is written exclusively for email subscribers. The major enticement to subscribe is found in select ebook sales I offer on Smashwords—only to subscribers! This is done via a Smashwords promo code, so subscribers can share this information with family and friends. Because all my ebooks are reasonably priced, that’s no biggie, but it’s something. (Note that my small-press-published ebooks available on Smashwords and its affiliates, Rembrandt’s Angel, Son of Thunder, and The Last Humans might be on sale at the publisher’s website, but they won’t be on Smashwords, simply because I have no control over that!)

Most of my tinkering goes toward making the web pages more readable. After fifteen-plus years, the website is a classic, so, like a classic car, I have to tune it up occasionally. You might have already noticed that I shortened my book blurbs and eliminated reviews on the “Books & Short Stories” web page, for example. Already published books are still linked to their corresponding Amazon book pages where reviews can be found, along with (sometimes different) blurbs and the “peek inside” feature (most retail sites also have the latter—for example, Smashwords, B&N, etc.). New ebooks will be linked to book pages on Smashwords or Draft2Digital. Most of the old reviews plus new ones will now appear in the “My Reviews” archive, including those not on Amazon!

You’ll still find free fiction in the “Steve’s Shorts,” “ABC Shorts,” and (new!) “Friday Fiction” archives of my blog, and the (now updated) list of free PDF downloads will still be found on the “Free Stuff & Contests” web page—look for new material I’ll put there from time to time, as I’ve just done).

I have several cover images I need to add to the “Books & Short Stories” web page. Of course, the title-links will still take you to some retailer’s page for the book that displays the cover in all its glory.

If you get the idea that all this tweaking is a never-ending process, you’re right! It’s probably why many authors’ websites are basically gravesites neglected by the authors or their publicists.




Comments are always welcome.

“Detectives Chen & Castilblanco” series. These seven novels start in Manhattan, and some end up going national or international. All are “evergreen” in the sense that they’re as current and entertaining as the day I finished their manuscripts. Ideal for binge-reading, or just jump in anywhere—they all are stand-alone tales filled with mystery, suspense, and thrills. Available wherever quality ebooks are sold.

Around the world and to the stars! In libris libertas!


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