Pelosi Republicans?

“Sticks and stones may break my bones (the insurrection at the Capitol) but names will never hurt me” (Republican Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger being called Pelosi Republicans by a fascist Kevin McCarthy). McCarthy and the two Jims, Banks and Jordan, are fascist lackeys of their wannabe fuehrer Donald Trump! None of that trio is a true conservatives by any stretch of the imagination, only stupid serfs of America’s fascist plutocracy bent on destroying American democracy.

In my “Fascist States of America” series of articles (it will finish up this Friday), archived under FSA, I outline this very real plutocratic conspiracy America faces, one much more dangerous than anything right-wing fanatics can dream up as they promote Trump’s Big Lie. Let’s say it like it is: Even with Trump temporarily gone from the White House and banned from Facebook and Twitter, that plutocracy is still hard at work, using their surrogates to find every failure the Founding Fathers wrote into the US Constitution…and then some. Every glitch found there is being exploited, so much so that Biden or any other Democratic president won’t matter much at all, unless they go over to the dark side too, because there are fascist loopholes in the Constitution that allow the plutocracy’s evil servants to bring government to a grinding halt if their toadies aren’t in power.

McConnell, Graham, McCarthy, and the two Jims, along with Trump the Chump, are morons who don’t realize the shitstorm they’re creating. We barely squeaked by last January 6. Cheney and Kinzinger in the House and Romney, Murkowski, and Collins in the Senate, form a small minority of true conservatives, not fascists, who realize how destructive and dangerous the fascists controlling the Good Ole Piranhas have become. The dog days of August are upon us, and I can smell the stench of a coming revolution from the cesspool the plutocracy that the fascist morons are planning. But it might just go the other way too—perhaps a violent revolution?—when the majority of Americans rise up against the dictatorship created by the fascist plutocracy.

While I don’t want to malign Lucy, McCarthy’s actions are like that little obnoxious jerk’s as she takes the football away from Charlie Brown. We have too many Lucys controlling Congress now, and too few good old Charlie Browns who can serve as a legitimate and necessary foil against the exuberant Congress members on the far left, AOC and her little commies. Instead we have mostly fascists in the congressional GOP who are bent on destroying American democracy in their rush to do the plutocracy’s bidding.

That select committee that McConnell and McCarthy are disparaging (remember Moscow Mitch torpedoed the idea of an independent commission!), now with true conservatives Cheney and Kinzinger aboard, should keep answering this fundamental question right through the 2022 elections: Do the majority of American people want a fascist America run by idiots like Tweedledee and Tweedledum, McConnell and McCarthy? I think those two morons know the answer in spite of their kissing the butts of the fascist plutocrats: The majority of Americans would toss them out on their fat fascist butts if they only had the chance!

What’s crazy and ironic is that these fascist morons who have morphed the Republican Party into the Good Ole Piranhas had their lives threatened on January 6 just like other saner members of Congress. (The infamous AOC even acknowledged she feared for her life, but so did the cowardly fascists!) The insurrectionists Trump essentially led into battle (in addition to being a “f%$#ing moron,” he’s the spineless twit who didn’t actually lead them) would have hung both Pelosi and Pence if they’d caught them. That kind of blind violence is antithetical to the democratic process and our great nation, to say the least. You’d think even the fascists in today’s GOP would want to make sure it never happens again.

With the public whipped into a frenzy with more politicians #MeToo’d, they might have forgotten about more important things for our democracy. I haven’t. Nothing compares with the clear and present danger fascist politicians represent, not BLM, #MeToo, climate change—all little wrinkles on the big-ass problem of fascism. Let’s all send them, McConnell, McCarthy, and all the other fascists in the nation and states’ governments a warning: If you don’t change your tune and quit being the toadies of the fascist plutocracy in America, you might be the next ones to be pursued by a raging mob righteous in their belief that freedom and democracy are worth saving. Do they want it to come to that? Maybe they think that those mobs will also just be visiting tourists like the January 6 insurgents.


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