“Fascist States of America” Series #4: The fascist Supreme Court…

[Note: This series will focus entirely on combatting fascism in America and around the world with my only weapon, words. (I’m not an NRA member!) It’s not antifa per se; it’s pro democracy. If you recognize words blasting your political preferences here, you’re part of the problem! To the rest of you, don’t worry about me. The fascist plutocracy of the 0.1% doesn’t do their own dirty work; and their toadies who do, don’t read very much, like their lord and savior, Donald J. Trump. So I doubt these essays will even hurt my book sales, mostly because that same plutocracy has already determined they will be low!]

By unfairly blocking Merrick Garland, Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court of the US (SCOTUS), Mitch McConnell aka Moscow Mitch aka Merkle the Turtle aka The Grim Reaper began turning US courts into fascist servants of the plutocracy. Wannabe fuehrer Trump eventually named three hard-right fascists, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett, to SCOTUS, tilting the court far to the right and endangering American democracy for many years to come.

Those three fascist judges were just frosting on the cake, though. McConnell also succeeded in stacking lower federal courts with these orcs. The whole federal judiciary now has a fascist tilt that makes courts the places where progressive policies go to die. This has always been a wet dream of the American plutocrats. Elected officials are transitory; federal judges are there for life, or until they retire or are so ill they can’t put on those spiffy black robes. The plutocracy knew this flaw existed in US government, and. like the Senate and the Electoral College, they knew how to exploit it. They just needed willing lackeys like Moscow Mitch and Il Duce (Trump) to do their dirty work for them, the first to approve them in the fascist Senate and the second to nominate them.

Along with the Senate and the Electoral college, SCOTUS and that autocratic tilt now provides three solid legs to support fascism in America. No matter what Biden, Schumer, or Pelosi do, the fascist plutocracy can continue to demolish American democracy. But they’ll do so at their own peril! Their devious machinations can’t go on forever. Some are beginning to realize that.

Why not? Remember the crowds dancing in the street in glee when Trump lost big time and Biden won? I was in the hospital at the time. Cheers filled the rooms, wards, and corridors too. Outside there were cheers and car parades with horns blaring You see, the fascist plutocracy is a minority—that 0.1% out to dominate American democracy represents very few fascists. And their toadies who implement their cruel and insidious plans find that a fascist plutocracy in America appeals to fewer and fewer Americans. Plutocrats and fascists are an endangered species, and history is against their ilk. Demographics will vanquish them in the end, one way or the other.

A recent datum illustrates their problem and my point: 17,000 Arizona Republicans ceased to be Good Ole Piranhas; they’ve abandoned the party of Trump (which is really the party of the fascist plutocracy). Arizona is following the historical path of California. The latter state, once a GOP stronghold (Reagan was a terrible governor there before he became a terrible president), changed from blood red to bright blue in a relatively short time because of demographics. The same thing is now happening in Arizona and will happen in Georgia and Texas. Georgia now has two Democratic senators and O’Rourke almost unseated Cruz in Texas (maybe why Ted wants to keep all those Dems from voting?).

Surging numbers of Asian, Latino, and Black voters don’t explain this. The demographics is complex, but can be summarized as follows: Young people move to where the jobs are, i.e. urban and suburban areas; they want a better distribution of wealth; and they don’t want to make the plutocrats even richer. In fact, the plutocrats are in a perilous position. They seek to ensure and get more power by appealing to a smaller and smaller minority, a mostly angry white, agrarian, uneducated, rural, radically religious, and minority that’s out of touch with the country’s changing demographics and lashes out against it. Cultural wars aren’t the worst that can happen, and the plutocrats should know that the worst can affect them negatively. In trying to have everything, they’ll end up with nothing! Revolution is coming. They’d better hope that it’s not violent.

Note that none of what will happen will be ideological. Ideologies are dead. The majority of Americans just want to live good lives in peace, and the plutocracy stands in their way. It’s that simple. No ideologies required. As the GOP minorities shrink, the party itself has to become more fascistic. That breaking point will come…unless the Good Ole Piranhas stop kissing the plutocrats’ butts and return to their original role, abandoning fascism in favor of conservatism not in the service of the plutocrats.

No, rich elites won’t have a long life in America or the world, one way or the other. They’ll get what they deserve, I’m sure. I might not live to see it, but it will happen. Armageddon won’t be the Rapture that white religious fascists wish for either. It might even be a peaceful revolution, but it will be a political one that will finally put a stake in the heart of fascism.


Comments are always welcome.

“Mary Jo Melendez Mysteries.” I put ex-USN Master-at-Arms Mary Jo through some tight situations in this trilogy, all because of the MECHs (“Mechanically Enhanced Cybernetic Humans”). In Muddlin’ Through, she’s falsely convicted of killing her sister and brother-in-law, she escapes, and battles the secret US group that wants her to get the MECHs back from the Russians. In Silicon Slummin’…and Just Gettin’ By, she moves from the East Coast to the West to start a new life as security chief for a computer games company, only to have CIA and Russian agents hassle her for the MECHs’ location and a psycho stalk her. In Goin’ the Extra Mile, she has to go to Beijing because the Chinese kidnapped her family to force her to tell them where the MECHs are. All three novels should get readers’ hearts pounding. Available wherever quality ebooks are sold.

Around the world and to the stars! In libris libertas!

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