“Fascist States of America” Series #2: The anti-democratic Congress…

[Note: This series will focus entirely on combatting fascism in America and around the world with my only weapon, words. (I’m not an NRA member!) It’s not antifa per se; it’s pro democracy. If you recognize words blasting your political preferences here, you’re part of the problem! To the rest of you, don’t worry about me. The fascist plutocracy of the 0.1% doesn’t do their own dirty work; and their toadies who do, don’t read very much, like their lord and savior, Donald J. Trump. So I doubt these essays will even hurt my book sales, mostly because that same plutocracy has already determined they will be low!]

We’re all familiar with the Senate’s support of the fascist 0.1%. Merkle the Turtle aka Moscow Mitch aka The Grim Reaper aka #LeaderMcConnell set out to halt most everything President Obama wanted to do for average Americans, and mostly succeeded. Remember the ACA barely squeaked through because Dems controlled Congress during the first two years, and Moscow Mitch has been attacking it ever since. Next, the Turtle had to live with the bad taste and heartburn from the rotten fish Il Duce aka Trump the Chump gave everyone except for the marching morons, those 40% of fanatical Trump voters from white right-wing bigots and racists to the white Christian crusaders (those two groups aren’t all that distinct, of course). In spite of the irrational and idiotic Il Duce, McConnell managed to further the agenda of America’s fascist plutocrats (probably because he thought of himself as one?). Now he’s returned to the do-nothing practice used during the Obama administration to make sure the majority of Americans have their hopes for relief dashed yet again.

In all this, the Turtle is more motivated to do the bidding of that fascist 0.1% than to attack any particular president. It’s the fascist plutocracy’s agenda, and he, along with many others in the Senate, are its willing accomplices. The fascists at the top pat their attack dogs on the head for being good Rottweilers; “Good boys! Here are some bones for being so faithful…and stupid.” With all this, the fascist plutocracy has made good use of the Senate, that congressional institution created by the Founding Fathers from day one to protect those aristocratic plutocrats of the day, many of them fascists before the term even existed, slavers who knew “all men are created equal” is empty hyperbole (like the pigs in Animal Farm, the rich and powerful have always considered themselves “more equal” than others). (James Madison, “the father of the Constitution,” worried a lot about this in later life.)

But the US House has been an anti-democratic institution too, belying that colonial intention of providing a balance against the US Senate being the plutocracy’s lap dog. Led by scurrilous speakers and other nefarious members throughout its history, with many coming from districts gerrymandered into fascist strongholds, Congress’s double whammy is a powerful tool of the fascist plutocracy to use on the majority of Americans.

Newt Gingrich was no surprise. His district was steadfastly Republican ever since the South changed its affiliation from racist and bigoted Dixie Democrats to racist and bigoted fascist Republicans. As speaker, he set out to change the US into the Fascist States of America and, considering present circumstances, mostly succeeded, much more so than McConnell. He was able to bind together white Christian crusaders with white right-wing bigots and racists to form an Orc herd that has plagued US politics since the 1990s. The fascist plutocracy was tickled pink with the results, of course. (Don’t worry. There are no socialists among them!)

It’s been more of a downhill slide into fascism in the House ever since Gingrich’s “revolution.” A few hiccups along the way hasn’t halted that downhill turn because the Good Ole Piranhas from those faithfully fascist districts always have enough members to make trouble. Tyranny by the majority? No, it’s tyranny by the minority! Our government, supposedly a republic, has lost its claim to be a representative government.

The Good Ole Piranhas in Congress now even cannibalize their own, feeding off Liz Cheney and the other few GOP conservatives who stand in their way, and making life hell for any Republican who goes against the plutocrats’ will. Kevin McCarthy, unlike Joe McCarthy’s failed attempts to destroy American democracy, has been relatively successful, like McConnell, in steering the US towards fascism as ordered by the plutocracy. And this Orc will likely be doing damage for a long time because his Bakersfield, CA district, like other small parts of California’s Central Valley, is in the hands of today’s GOP, the toadies for the fascist plutocracy.

Mind you, all these members of Congress—McConnell, McCarthy, and other Trump toadies, big and small, including the QAnon-conspiracy nuts—are just willing pawns of the 0.1%, bending to the will of the rich elites and their agenda to ensure their wealth by widening the gap between them and the rest of us. They’re parasites sucking the blood of the other 90%. And they’re also out to destroy the middle class, which they see to be the cause of all their problems.

The fascist plutocracy doesn’t need the presidency when they have Congress. (Look at Article One of the Constitution. Congress wields the power domestically.) The people’s house no longer belongs to the people. It probably never did; Madison was correct to be worried. The fascist plutocracy owns Congress, and they’re using it as a tool to bludgeon us. Yes, it’s us against them, and the “them” is bent on creating the Fascist States of America.


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