An attack on voting rights is an attack on democracy…

In other words, those fascist Good Ole Piranhas in certain states (fascist insurrectionists Cruz and Hawley and other fascists in Congress aren’t among them—they’ve already done their damage) are willing to destroy a 265-year-old democracy to morph it into an autocratic plutocracy, incorrectly proving Putin, Xi, and other demagogues correct, that democracy just doesn’t work. Their reasons should be clear: Il Duce (aka Trump), the plutocrat’s pawn and lemming-in-chief, led the GOP lemmings over the cliff and lost the House, Senate, and presidency in the 2020 election. What a loser!

The only way the current GOP can survive without resorting to fascist rule and destroying our democracy is to change their lazy, fascist ways and actually go out and convince voters they’re not completely incompetent asses and will implement policies that help the average American, not themselves or their uber-rich masters in America’s plutocracy. Demographics are against them, so they resort to voter suppression, an easy and ubiquitous fascist tool to employ because the Good Ole Piranhas now control far too many state legislatures and congressional districts (all those congressional districts are gerrymandered in their favor). In other words, their motto is: We’re winning the game, so let’s cheat some more on behalf of our plutocratic masters!

Making it easier to vote should be a bipartisan goal; that’s a sign of a healthy democracy. Voter suppression means our democracy is sick and spiraling down into the cesspool of fascism. As a recent Doonesbury cartoon strip recently suggested, the Good Ole Piranhas used to get by with claiming their suppression activities are to protect against voter fraud; many still claim this. When the majority of Americans concluded that was only sour grapes and bullshit, these fascists started using a bigger cover story: Trump’s Big Lie that he lost the 2020 election because it was rigged against him. Smellier bullshit! Of course, every change made in the voting laws is made more to keep Dems from voting than the members of the fascist party of America!

Smart citizens shouldn’t write this off as free speech in action. A country where anyone believes the Big Lie is no democracy at all. History has shown that autocrats are clever devils (in the US, these are the GOP’s autocratic masters—the GOP leaders are morons, with Trump having the worst IQ). Autocrats will create scapegoats and false causes to support their greedy quests for power. In the US today, they’re succeeding.

They’re in the minority, these fanatical fascists, and they hide under many invisibility cloaks—religion, conspiracies, grievances, and populism. They are a clear and present danger to American democracy and must be stopped…at all cost!


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“The Last Humans”—a series about biowarfare and its consequences. In Book One, The Last Humans, Penny Castro, forensics diver for the LA County Sheriff’s Department, finds a body on a dive but a lethal pandemic when she surfaces. What follows is a struggle to survive, but she also finds love and hope. In Book Two, The Last Humans: A New Dawn, she and her new hubby are forcefully conscripted by a struggling US government to take revenge against the virus makers. The government wants the pair’s skills badly enough to kidnap their children. Both novels can be found wherever quality ebooks are sold. (But I don’t recommend Amazon, because they confused the two ebooks and won’t correct their error!)

Around the world and to the stars! In libris libertas!

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