
We have a representative democracy. The only effective, legal way to let our representatives know how they should be running our country is by voting. Those who represent us well should be voted in. Those who don’t should be voted out. It’s as simple as that.

If you don’t vote, you are dissing that sacred trust and helping to kill democracy in America. So please vote. It’s late for mail-ins, but if you have a ballot, fill it out, and put it in the nearest drop-box. If you plan to vote in person, do so…but safely by wearing a mask. Tomorrow is Election Day! (In case you didn’t know.)

Because of the election, there are no other posts this week. The next one will be Wednesday, November 11, which is Veterans’ Day. Irrespective of political proclivities, let’s remember all those who have defended our country…and allowed us to continue as a democracy when the forces of evil in the world try to destroy us.

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