
,,,are malleable, gullible, despicable, and stupid human beings. Those adjectives and more came to mind as I watched a bit of yet another Trump rally on C-Span and yet another mealy-mouthed speech from their fuehrer as he channeled Hitler, Putin, and every other despot from the sad history of this world, autocrats who have preached hate to their misguided populations. How can this scurrilous human horde of Trumpers love such a fascist? Let’s put these bugs infesting our democracy under the microscope to see if we can’t design a pest spray to neutralize them.

When we’re not laughing at their crazy religious and hypocritical fervor or stupid beliefs in far-out conspiracy theories, we need to recognize what a danger Trumpers represent to democracy. Some are just unthinking lemmings; others are dangerous fascist SOBs who desire power over the rest of us. The first group might be harmless for the most part if the second group, members of a fascist oligarchy/plutocracy like Russia’s, didn’t convert them into mindless zombie hordes.

Trump’s book could have been titled Art of the Steal for many reasons, of course (read Cohen’s book), but a major reason is that this Big Loser (the majority of Americans did not vote for him) was the grand manipulator of everyone and anyone who voted for him in 2016 and 2020, a culmination of the grand steal that has occurred over the last forty or so years culminating now with the top 0.1% of the US population having as much wealth as the lower 90%…and paying little or no taxes!

Biden did not steal the election; Trump aka Il Duce stole it in 2016, with help from Mr. Putin, and he tried to steal it in 2020…with help from Mr. Putin! And all that was done for the fascist oligarchy/plutocracy that has been like Dracula sucking the life-blood from the American public.

Trump was the capo of what we might as well call Kremlin-West, a mafia group akin to Putin’s, complete with a favored family and other select mobsters who want to destroy American democracy for their own gain…and were doing so long before Trump. If we aren’t careful, he might yet succeed in this nefarious enterprise, considering recent events, pleasing those plutocrats; but more of his past crimes are being discovered, so hopefully not. The oligarchy/plutocracy might need to find another “f%$#ing moron” to manipulate the marching morons.

The following bears repeating many times: Trumpers are not conservatives; they’re fascists, even the dumb ones (and especially them!). They’re just as fascistic as Hitler and Mussolini’s crowds were and the men who exploited them. It’s peculiar how no one in America, not even ardent anti-Trumpers, want to use the words “fascist” and “fascism”! Misguided and overblown political correctness! Trumpers are typical fascists. Why play the game of political correctness with these words when they’re so applicable to and appropriate for Trump and his evil minions, or even to the mindless fools out there who are stupid enough to believe their crap? If you’re a follower of Trump, you’re a dangerous fascist! You have ceased to be a conservative. Period.

And that’s no joke! It’s an accusation. You, as a Trumper, are giving those who exploit you an opportunity to create a situation in the US that parallels the rise of fascism in 1930s Europe. You believe Trump et al have correctly identified all your enemies, the scapegoats they have chosen for you to blame for your own miserable lives, just like most Germans did with the Jews. (The oligarchy/plutocracy has included Jews as scapegoats too, of course.) You are too stupid to realize you’re being used! Moreover, you have proven you have no moral backbone, no common sense, and no ability to distinguish right from wrong. For you, what Trump says is right; what anyone else says is wrong.

If you think that’s harsh and insulting, too bad! I intend it to be. You can blame me and others like me for all your problems; I’m just an old white guy like Biden…and like many of you SOBs. Know what? I blame you for all of mine, especially this dangerous turn to fascism in our country. You elected your fuehrer in 2016 and failed to reelect him in 2020. Thank God for the latter! Thank God for fair elections…although you’re trying to end them with your fascist maneuvering. Now Biden is showing you the Big Lie and how gullible you are to believe it. Talk about stubborn stupidity!

Every day I’m more and more fearful that there’s no defeating the fascist oligarchy/plutocracy and their evil servants, Trump and his fascist hordes. He thinks he’s the main Dracula with big cojones who can suck the blood from America along with the other oligarchs, and there’s no silver stakes available to put through his or their hearts. The differences between sanity and insanity, good and evil, logic and irrational behavior are just too many to resolve with this crowd. In other words, the differences between Trumpers and sane people are irreconcilable. We need to separate the diseased red from the healthy blue.

The eastern half of Oregon wants to join Idaho because the western half is too blue? Fine! Texas wants to be independent so it can rewrite history just like Putin, deny Darwinian evolution, and create a new one-party fascist Texas Republic? Great! California’s Central Valley folks want to continue Trump’s Big Lie and put a fascist in Sacramento in place of Newsom? Excellent! Trumpers, including nurses in Houston, refuse to get the vaccine? Then die! Etc. Etc. Get the hell out of my life and my country then, all you fascist pigs, and take the Putin-style oligarchs with you! Good riddance.

But before you do that, you’d better wise up and realize what you’re leaving behind. Red America economically depends on Blue America—the red states receive a lot more federal handouts than blue states but their economies generally suck. (Ask Mitch McConnell how many more federal dollars Kentucky receives per capita compared to New Jersey or New York, and how much those two states pay in federal taxes compared to Kentucky, a gap made worse by Trump’s tax plan designed to favor American oligarchs.) Red states will be losing economically and miss out on all that federal largess, not to mention paying a lot more for all those tech goodies and healthcare miracles if they have to import them! And, if red states do manufacture or grow anything worthwhile (California’s Central Valley comes to mind for the latter), they won’t have those rich blue state markets anymore to send them to, at least not without huge tariffs. At best, they’ll all just become a Third World country providing raw goods and living in greater economic squalor than they now have..

I’d be tickled pink (oops! wrong color) if we created at least two new countries, Blue USA, formed from the two coasts (including the west coast of California and not the Central Valley) and that band across the northeast that ends with Minnesota and Wisconsin—the best part of the country; and Red USA from all the rest. I suppose that would make a lot of people happy on both sides, red and blue. Of course, George Washington and a few Founding Fathers would be rolling over in their graves, but those “patriots” (slaveowners included), who couldn’t foresee the damning legacy they left in a sloppily worded, racist, and antiquated Constitution, never had to deal with Trump and his evil masters and crazy fascist hordes of followers. Can you imagine creating a “new and perfect union” in the current state of our nation?

I suppose my lamenting the impending death of American democracy will please Trumpers to no end. After all, that’s what they want to see occur…or the American oligarchs and plutocrats who manipulate all of them, including Trump. Fascist America uber Alles! That’s their motto. Or maybe not? Most of “the base” barely know English and don’t do very well when speaking that…and forget about reading anything that might be more worthwhile than National Enquirer, because they mostly watch Fox News, not known for saying anything intelligible in their fascist lies and propaganda spiels. Trumpers follow Trump the Chump, who’s at the beck and call of American oligarchs and plutocrats. Unlike what happens in C. M. Kornbluth’s prescient novella, I have no desire to protect these marching morons from their own stupidity. They can go to hell! Let them all rebel and not take the vaccine…and then die!


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A, B. Carolan’s Origins: The Denisovan Trilogy, Book One. One group of hominids survived to dominate Earth, but some of their descendants and those of the other groups are “out there.” What happens when their scientists return to the home planet? And which group does Kayla Jones belong to? Available at Smashwords and all their affiliated retailers (iBooks, B&N, Kobo, etc.) and library and lending services (Scribd, Overdrive, Gardners, etc.)…but not on Amazon.

Around the world and to the stars! In libris libertas!


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