Time for remembrance…

Remembering 9/11 shouldn’t be a NYC event, or events at the sites where the four planes crashed.  It should be a national and world event.  Nearly 3,000 innocents died that day at the hands of Muslim jihadists, most of them Saudi Arabians who graduated from that country’s religious schools.  Bin Laden, the planner and cheerleader for the terrorist dogs, was also Saudi.

But we can’t blame one nation or a respected worldwide religion for this attack.  We must blame a terrorist ideology that exploits poverty and ignorance to brainwash its adherents and condones the torture and murder of innocents.  Religion is just the cover story—no true religion can ever condone such treacherous deeds.

We must carry on the fight against terrorism, imported or domestic.  At the same time, we can never forget the innocent victims of these terrorist attacks or the friends and families who are still grieving.  Too many Americans have forgotten.  No one should, because we are all targets now.  To give up the fight would dishonor the innocent victims’ sacrifice.  Their murders won’t be avenged until terrorism is stopped.

I lost friends and a relative that day.  I won’t forget.  You all know me as a compassionate and progressive person.  But I have no compassion for terrorism or its practitioners, only loathing.  On this day, I’ll try to get beyond that, though, and just remember who we lost on 9/11.

And so it goes…

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