Summertime is reading time…

We’re heading into summer and we’re all looking for good books to read during those lazy R&R days of vacation and beach visits.  If you’re like me, you scan those free book promos on Amazon.  You also look for those bargain ebooks—not exactly free, but comparable in price to that special iced coffee you like to slurp while you read.  The majority of those bargain ebooks are released by indie authors and are exceptionally good entertainment for the price, if you choose wisely.

I’m an indie author.  Because this blog, and costs incurred in preparing my ebooks for release, are supported entirely by my book sales, I ask you to consider the following:

New release!  With Teeter-Totter between Lust and Murder, I continue the “Detectives Chen and Castilblanco Series.”  The sleuths of The Midas Bomb and Angels Need Not Apply will embroil you in action and suspense yet again.  As a mystery novel, it is a dark probing into the nexus the crime underworld sometimes enjoys with the rich and powerful.  Chen is arrested for the murder of a senator in circumstances that seem to leave no doubt of her guilt, but Castilblanco helps prove her innocence.  With this new crime novel, I continue the saga of your two favorite detectives as they and their companions fight the corrupting influence of the illegal weapons trade.  Teeter-Totter between Lust and Murder, only $4.99 on Amazon.

Also new for 2013!  The Golden Years of Virginia Morgan.  What happens when paranoid U.S. government officials decide their elderly agents and top scientists have become security risks due to the onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s?  Meet DHS agent Ashley Scott and Pulitzer prize-winning reporter Eduardo Ortega.  They must battle a government conspiracy that goes far beyond an attack on the elderly who possess classified information.  But is it really the government conspiring?  The Golden Years of Virginia Morgan, only $4.99 on Amazon.

New ebook prices!  The prices of most of my other books are now reduced:

  1. The Midas Bomb*, $7.69 (also available as an Infinity trade paperback)
  2. Angels Need Not Apply, $3.99
  3. Pop Two Antacids and Have Some Java, $2.99 ($0.99 for many months—you had your chance!)
  4. Teeter-Totter between Lust and Murder, $4.99
  5. The Golden Years of Virginia Morgan, $4.99
  6. Full Medical*, $2.99 (also available as an Xlibris trade paperback)
  7. Evil Agenda*, $2.99
  8. Soldiers of God, $17.95 (only available as an Infinity trade paperback)
  9. Survivors of the Chaos*, $8.95 (also available as an Infinity trade paperback)
  10. Sing a Samba Galactica*, $3.99
  11. Come Dance a Cumbia…with Stars in Your Hand!*, $3.99
  12. The Secret Lab*, $2.99 ($0.99 for many months—you had your chance!)

Note: starred books are available at ALL online ebook dealers, the others only on Amazon.  Future prices are subject to change without notice.

If you offer to write an honest review, you can receive a free copy of any of the above—just query me via my contact page.  My review budget for each book is limited, so first come, first serve, until  my budget is depleted.

On my to-do list.  I’m a full-time writer.  That means many things, but I do have time to write books and short stories.  Coming in the future, time, muses, and health permitting, you might see:

  1. A new anthology of sci-fi short stories;
  2. A new addition to the “Clones and Mutants Series”;
  3. A new addition to the “Detectives Chen and Castilblanco Series”;
  4. A new YA sci-fi thriller;
  5. An ebook version of Soldiers of the Chaos.

I’m not making any promises because of other obligations (writing blog posts, reviewing, interviewing, and marketing the above books so I can keep this franchise going), but rest assured that I’ll do my best…because I love to write!

A special thanks!  First, to my readers.  I hope that reading my books and stories, as well as my blog posts, reviews, and interviews, has provided you with quality entertainment.  Readers rule!  Second, I would like to give a special shout of thanks to Carrick Publishing’s Donna and Sara Carrick, my ebook formatting and cover art gurus—they allow me to release books almost as fast as I can write them.

So, let’s all have a good summer…and keep reading this blog and my books!  And support indie authors—they bring entertainment and useful information at bargain prices compared to the traditional publishing giants.  (A selection of indie books from promising authors is listed on my “Steve’s Bookshelf” webpage.)

Wishing to all a very happy and relaxing summer,


In libris libertas….


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