Steve’s shorts: You Know I’m Watching (continued)

You Know I’m Watching

A “Detectives Chen and Castilblanco” Homicide Case

Copyright 2018, Steven M. Moore

Chapter Three

I had some luck at the little coffee shack near Sharon Hill’s workplace. Old guy there named Joseph had a drooping gray mustache and thick eyebrows—maybe the owner?—and he knew the vic as a frequent customer.

“Came in on her way to work most days,” he said. “I’m not always here. Kerri, Ralph, and I rotate shifts, but two of us try to overlap in the morning and at lunch time.”

Kerri’s pic showed me she was a happy, gray-haired woman who needed some dental work. Ralph was much younger than Kerri and Joe—maybe thirty—so I used my special NYPD apps to see if we had info on him. Not ex-military, but ex-cop—better said, an Academy washout who never graduated to patrol duty. Not a bad thing in itself. A lot of wannabe cops don’t make it for many reasons. His reason sent off a mental alarm: he’d harassed a female cadet.

Called Chen.


Met my partner at the intersection closest to the coffee house about twenty minutes later. I’d spent the interim time window shopping for a Mother’s Day gift for Pam from the kids and me. No luck there, but I’m a terrible shopper. Seemed like we should graduate beyond the usual breakfast in bed for Mom with lots of hugs, though.

Showed Chen Ralph’s record.

“There’s a lot between harassment and murder,” she said, handing my smart phone back to me. “But you like Ralph for the crime?”

“Knows guns.”

“What about the other two employees?”

“Joe’s the grandfatherly type. Kerri’s the grandmotherly type. Not bright blips on my radar screen right now.”

“Let’s see if we can talk to Ralph.”

By the time we reached the coffee bar, there was a closed sign. “That’s weird. I just chatted with Joe.” Knocked and then rattled the door knob. Peered inside. “Maybe he had to go to the bank. We need another source for Ralph’s address.”

Chen whipped out her own phone. “Last address is in the Village. Probably has roommates. He couldn’t afford the rent otherwise.”

We met the manager of the building outside; he was trying to remove some graffiti that decorated the entrance to the building. “That was fast,” he said.

“Excuse me?” I said.

“I just called the police about this. You’ve got to catch these punks. They’re driving me nuts.”

“We’re not here for that,” said Chen, showing her creds. I showed mine too. “We want to talk to one of your tenants. Ralph Ericson.”

“Haven’t seen him today. Maybe he’s still sleeping. Try ringing at his apartment.” The manager opened the door for us. “What’s the little weasel done now?”

“We just need to talk to him,” I said. “Thanks. What’s his number?”

“3C. Shares it with three other jerks. I just don’t care anymore, and I know the owner don’t either. Just wants his huge rent payment every month. Can’t have decent families living here anymore, he wants so much.”

Nodded, thanked him again, and then I followed Chen up the stairs. They creaked all the way. There was an elevator sporting a sign that said “In Repair.” There was a bit of garbage piled up against its door. Figured it hadn’t been used in a while. Reminded me of that sitcom in some apartment building near Cal Tech. Who could imagine that physicists were so much fun?

Chen knocked on the door to 3C. We heard a groan. “I’ll get the manager to let us in,” said Chen, turning toward the stairs.

Held up my hand like a traffic cop. “Just cause.” Kicked the door open on the second try.

Ralph Ericson was in bad shape. Saw the bottle of oxycodone with most of its contents spilled out over the cot and floor. Didn’t have my kit with its Naloxone dose; neither did Chen. Called for an ambulance.

(To be continued….)


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Teeter-Totter between Lust and Murder. #3 in the “Detectives Chen and Castilblanco Series,” this mystery/thriller novel starts with Chen accused of a senator’s murder. She was romantically involved with the victim, so her partner knows she couldn’t have committed the crime and goes about proving her innocence. But once again the case expands to one with national repercussions when the detectives find its connection with the illegal arms trade.  Who are the players? And what are their intentions? Answering these questions leads readers to heart-pounding roller coaster ride with a lot of twists and turns in a story that is as current today as when it was written. Available in ebook format on Amazon and Smashwords and all the latter’s associated retailers (Apple iBooks, B&N, Kobo, etc). This ebook is on sale now at Smashwords for $0.99, but only for a week.

Around the world and to the stars! In libris libertas!

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