Steve’s shorts: The Meeting…

The Meeting

Copyright 2020, Steven M. Moore

The Russian got out of his Mercedes-Benz, which he called “his Nazi car,” and was immediately surrounded by his security detail. They all entered the glittering palace where they met the prince’s aide. At that point, the Russian and the aide continued down a long corridor until they halted at an entrance with two guards in front of a double door.

“Announce us,” said the aide.

One guard opened one of the doors. Stepping inside, he said in Arabic, “Your majesty, the Russian has arrived.”

“Show him in.”

The Russian and the aide entered.

The prince stood. “Welcome, my dear Vladimir. Please, let us sit together and discuss this stupid American president.” He gestured to a chair across from where he’d been sitting.

The man called Vladimir, a name as common in Russia as the thuggish man appeared to be, liked the Saudi prince’s directness. He approached the raised area containing the two chairs and table that was topped with fresh fruit, assorted small pastries, and coffee and water carafes. When they were both seated comfortably, the Russian smiled and became direct too.

“We have something in common, my prince. We both kill journalists. I’m sure the American would love to do so on many occasions.”

The prince waved a deprecating hand, dismissing the comment. “That is past history. We’ve shown once again the Americans’ incompetence for finding the Saudis responsible for the World Trade Center events and bringing them to justice. Their Department of Justice has just declared once again that any evidence they collected is considered state secrets. Once again that fool president and his cronies have failed American citizens pushing for that lawsuit.” He winked at the man he knew to be as ruthless as himself. “Now that we have flattered that American fool enough to make him compliant, I need to talk with you about how to exploit the situation to our benefit even more.”

“There’s no hurry. He’s going to get rid of the stupid rule put in place after FDR and run again for a third time. His House and Senate just do his bidding now. He’ll be a ruler for life just like us.”

“That wasn’t just braggadocio? He has that bad habit, you know.”

The Russian smiled. “I’m encouraging him to do it. The US will be just like China and Russia. And your country, of course. We’ll rule the world.”


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“Mary Jo Melendez Mysteries.” Ex-USN Master-at-Arms Mary Jo has had a harried life. In Muddlin’ Through, she takes a security job at a NJ firm and is framed for her sister and brother-in-law’s murder by a secret US agency when Russian agents steal the MECHs (“Mechanically Enhanced Cybernetic Humans”). In Silicon Slummin’…and Just Gettin’ By, she not only has US and Russian agents again to contend with in her new CA security job, but also a stalker. And in Goin’ the Extra Mile, China steps in to pursue the MECHs, kidnapping Mary Jo’s husband and children to find out where they are. These three novels of heart-pounding action typify what I mean by “evergreen books”—novels that are as fresh and current as the day they were published, if not more so. Available in .mobi (Kindle) format on Amazon, and in all ebook formats on Smashwords and its affiliated retailers (iBooks, B&N, Kobo, etc.) and library and lending services (Scribd, Overdrive, Baker & Taylor, Gardners, etc.). Come and meet the MECHs!

Around the world and to the stars! In libris libertas!

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