Steve’s shorts: Autocrat…

[Note from Steve: A bit of dark comedy to brighten your day…]


Copyright 2020, Steven M. Moore

NYPD Police Commissioner Declan Kerry frowned as he answered the rant of his counterpart in DC with one of his own.

“You’re complaining about his little July 4th parade? ICE has us doing their dirty work for them ever since he made Congress pass that law ending sanctuary cities. And he’s here this very afternoon! We have to have our counterterrorism unit deployed around his damn tower at all times, but, when he’s here, the costs skyrocket. That narcissist is killing our budget.”

“Hey, I can’t stop him from giving a speech at the UN. He wants to blast the French president again with another speech. Okay by me, as long as he gets the hell out of my town. I just wanted to tell you not to pay too much attention to helping the FBI in bringing in your rogue senator. The president wants to try him for treason like all the others who dared to cross him. It’s the firing squad if your senator is caught.”

“Don’t worry, my dear. We treat the FBI just like DHS and ICE: slo-mo on any help, if any. We pretend to go along, but we drag our feet. Thanks for the FYI, though. I’ll put out the word to look the other way if anyone spots the senator. Maybe he can get all the way to Canada.”

“Good talking to you, Declan.”

“Resist, my old friend.”

Kerry leaned back in his desk chair and sighed. How he despised this president, now in his fourth term as absolute dictator. Kerry had known that the vote in the Senate would only embolden the SOB. He’d even tweeted about how he’d just keep getting four more years. Bolton, Kelly, and Romney, his old friends, had already faced the firing squad. His city was now a sanctuary city for himself. How long can I last?

His how-much-I-despise-thee counts were interrupted by his aide, who entered breathlessly without knocking. Bad omen.

“What is it, Bobby?”

“He’s gone and done it now!” the aide said.

“What’s he done?”

“He got out of his limo and shot someone on Fifth Avenue. We must arrest him.”

“Can’t. He’s not above the law. He is the law!

After the aide left, Kerry took the rough draft of his resignation letter out of a drawer. He had another paragraph to add. Maybe it will be my epitaph?


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Mind Games. In this third book in the “ABC YA Sci-Fi Mysteries” series, A.B. Carolan’s main character finds her adopted father murdered. She’d agreed to hide her ESP powers, but she breaks that promise to find his killer. The pursuit involves three planets and requires many friends who comes to her aid. In uncovering the extent and perpetrators of the conspiracy is a sci-fi thrill ride you won’t want to miss, whether you’re a young adult or an older sci-fi addict who’s young-at-heart. Available in print and ebook formats from Amazon, and in ebook format from Smashwords and all its affiliated retailers (iBooks, B&N, Kobo, etc.) and lenders and library services (Scribd, Overdrive, Baker & Taylor, Gardners, etc.).

Around the world and to the stars! In libris libertas!

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