Something new…

Starting 8/24/2021 (today), op-eds with a political orientation will exclusively be posted on my second blog, Pub Progressive. The same rules of engagement apply (see the ROEs on the “Join the Conversation” web page), but this site’s blog will now focus on reading, writing, and publishing topics. This might upset some readers and authors; others might breathe a sigh of relief.

Authors do have opinions. Maybe it’s better that they just creep into their prose as important themes? I don’t know. I certainly don’t do fluff, and my characters often express opinions contrary to my own. Editors and publishers certainly prefer that fiction authors aren’t opiniated, so that biases modern prose toward fluff.

In any case, this is an experiment. At the very least, it will help me keep things organized.

So…reading, writing, and reading topics are found at this site’s blog, and politically oriented op-eds at Pub Progressive.

Note: Yesterday’s post about Afghanistan is definitely a political op-ed. It will be repeated on the new website. (That will be the last time.)

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