Should Wasserman Schultz be fired or in jail?

Most dust from the fallout of the hacked DNC emails has settled by now (Hillary and friends seem to have problems with that antiquated communications medium–maybe she should have used Twitter, but what’s the hashtag for TOP SECRET). I’m still writing this post, though, because I’m still pissed. Not surprised, mind you—I never was—but still pissed. (OK, maybe I was surprised that we saw a wee bit of the tip of that iceberg made from the toxic waters of dirty politics.) I can now refine last Tuesday’s post that spoke about general corruption in the democratic process in both parties by analyzing how the DNC committed election fraud in their rush to get Hillary nominated and Bernie thwarted, probably all under the auspices of Clinton Inc.

Every Bernie supporter knows the Dem establishment rigged the game. (Warren spoke of a “rigged system” at the Convention, but that was a poor choice of words and flew in the faces of Bernie supporters—the email leaks only added to the narrower meaning.) The more he surged, the more desperate they got, and the more they strived to thwart his efforts. While you can bet Clinton Inc was behind all this, although her cohorts ensured deniability, the DNC, led by Wasserman Schultz, represent the gang of hitmen the Clinton mafia used. Clinton is the capo; Wasserman Schultz the stooge-assassin. Yeah, it’s character assassination of Bernie, but it was still an assassination.

Forget for the moment the super delegates and arcane primary events like flipping a coin in caucuses (although both are still open wounds for me). Forget for the moment scurrilous Bill standing outside polls, cajoling voters to vote for his wife (he also courted those super delegates—promises of rewards and special favors if she wins?). Forget for the moment all the evidence indicating that the Clintons are kissing the butts of one-percenters so their entire family can join that crowd (Chelsea’s already married to one, of course, so we know where her loyalty lies). The emails are an indictment: Released by Wikileaks, they show a concerted effort to attack Bernie and tilt the scales in Hillary’s favor by the DNC. The Russian connection (even if it’s true, it’s a distraction engineered by the Clinton camp to diminish outrage at the real problem) doesn’t change the damning content of those emails—Wasserman Schultz and her cohorts in the DNC were out to get Bernie. That’s election fraud.

I wouldn’t have allowed her to resign. I’d have first fired her and every one of those staffers who helped her plot against Bernie. I’d have also brought charges against them. Also against the Clinton Foundation (that non-profit org run by Clinton Inc, the for-profit family-run business) and Billy boy and his witch-wife if they’re implicated. Those charges probably wouldn’t stick—especially considering that Hillary will probably be able to pardon them all (including herself?)—but they all belong in jail. All this just proves one overriding characteristic of an oligarchy—it ain’t democratic, folks! The one-percenters will do anything to preserve it! Our existing oligarchy never was a future target for Sanders’s supporters—it was an already existing clear and present danger and is still alive and well with our two national parties’ fielding these subservient candidates.

Democracy is dead in America. Our electoral process is controlled by the oligarchs. The two parties have become their vise, squeezing blood out of the middle class and poor. They’ve banded together so no one can be singled out—strength in numbers of uncaring people holding hands and controlling both political parties via lobbyists, special interest groups, and yes, those infamous senators and representatives who kiss their butts to get a small slice of the pie. They have banded together so any particular oligarch has deniability, but they’re all culpable. Their numbers are small—they’re the one-percenters, after all—but they wield immense power because they control most of the wealth; that wealth buys a lot of favors from a lot of people. It’s all about greed: Clinton Inc is just as bad as Trump Inc in their subservience to the American oligarchy.

I have come to this point in my life trusting no politician. Every one of them has betrayed my trust, even Bernie, who endorsed Brunhilda (Hillary channels that Visigoth queen). Yeah, I know why he did it—he doesn’t want Trump to be president—but he’s naïve if the thinks Clinton Inc in the White House will be any different than Trump Inc. And he might be backing the losing side. Although both Clinton and Trump are flawed candidates, Trump is the only populist left standing after Bernie’s surrender to Clinton Inc (the two populist movements are very different, of course—Trump’s is fascist-oriented; Clinton’s is shrouded in a thick cloak of feigned concern but still subservient to the oligarchs). Trump might win and move his hate and bigotry right into the White House as a result. You can bet Hillary supporters will blame Bernie supporters for that, but all the blame rests on Clinton Inc and its quintessential establishment candidate. Moreover, at the time I write this, polls show people trust Hillary less than the Donald. Both are flawed. When there are no choices, who do you vote for?

McGovern was the only Dem candidate who didn’t betray me—and he was betrayed by the Dem establishment too, just like Bernie. In every election, I’m told I’m supposed to vote for the lesser of two evils (basically Bernie’s convention speech summarized by Silverman’s scurrilous admonition), but what choice do I have in this election? Hillary is the known devil; Trump the unknown one—and neither one deserves my vote! I won’t taint that precious vote by casting it for a dirty politician of any stripe when the stripes belong to skunks. While I lost my political virginity long ago, I don’t need to continue my prostitution. The pimps at the DNC and RNC only want me to work the streets so they can continue to steal the proceeds as they have been doing all my life. I’ve had it with all of them.

Jill Stein and the Green Party will receive my vote. If you examine the Green Party platform, it’s what the Dem’s should be, and would have been if Bernie Sanders were the candidate (OK, there’s some lip service given to Bernie’s issues in the Dems platform as I noted in that previous post, but they’re meaningless because Hillary will never implement them—Clinton Inc will be in payback mode against Bernie). Vote for sanity and true progressive values—vote Green! Give the finger to both flawed candidates—from both hands!


On sale: The Golden Years of Virginia Morgan. This sci-fi thriller will be on sale at Smashwords for $0.99, reduced from $2.99 (67% discount) from now until September 1. Use the coupon code FU54W. First question: what will the U.S. in the future do with retirees with Top Secret information? Second question: how do you prevent the assassination of a presidential candidate? Third question: is there room for romance in the life of an old agent? This fast-moving story’s main character is a woman who shows perseverance and strength to survive while unmasking a terrible conspiracy. Don’t miss the thrills!

And so it goes….

5 Responses to “Should Wasserman Schultz be fired or in jail?”

  1. Scott Dyson Says:

    I don’t disagree with you about the Clintons these days, though I think that Bill was probably a bit different when he came to prominence (when was it? the 1988 convention, when he gave that speech?). But I do disagree with you about Trump. While I’m not 100% certain that the Trump we’re seeing today is the real Trump, the one who will become president, I think there’s more reason to fear him.

    I read Chuck Wendig’s blog article last week about this election. Here it is if you want to check it out. I sort of agree with him about the possible downside of Trump as president. Supreme court appointees are just one issue. I trust Clinton to appoint justices who are more in tune with progressive values than I do Trump. But I also do not trust Trump about getting us into a war that will be as devastating to our country as Iraq was (not to mention that it will also end up devastating the country where it occurs). And tax cuts…wow, just wow.

    In any case, I can’t afford to be as pessimistic as you are (as I watch my own state locked into a stalemate over a budget battle and as a result I don’t get paid for any dental work I do on my many state employees) about the future.

    Either Trump or Clinton are gonna be elected, one of them. I can’t see us as a nation being able to afford to deal with the consequences long term of a Trump presidency.

  2. Scott Dyson Says:

    That link didn’t work. Here’s the page address.

  3. Steven M. Moore Says:

    Whoa! Please don’t think I’m supporting Trump because I don’t support Clinton. As Buffet says, where’s the man’s decency? He could have offered a positive reaction to Mr. Khan’s speech by simply saying that he’s for immigrants like the Khans, but no, he felt impugned and lashed out. Do we want a hothead like that in charge of the nuclear codes? And I AM WORRIED about the makeup of SCOTUS.
    However, Clinton is the handmaiden to one-percenters (maybe too polite a term), and Clinton Inc is only interested in joining them. You and I had and have decent jobs, but think of trying to support a family on today’s min wage. The big problem in this country is wealth distribution and the income gap between one-percenters and the rest of us. Clinton Inc won’t change any of that. Obama didn’t either. The establishment is incapable of doing that.
    The cause of these problems is that representative democracy has failed in America and around the world because elites buy and own the representatives. You might not believe that, but I’m writing a post about it next week. Stay tuned. 😉

  4. Scott Dyson Says:

    I know you don’t support Trump. I understand your desire to vote for the Green Party candidate. I may do so myself. Illinois is not in play. It will probably go democrat. (If I see that it’s getting close, I’ll certainly vote against Trump.)

    I know that it’s part of the Clinton strategy to play on voters’ fears of a Trump presidency, but I think those fears are based in something real. He’s frightening.

    Re: His reaction to Khan’s speech: Shows Trump’s complete lack of judgement. You have to learn to pick your battles. This one was the wrong battle.

    Apparently there’s something circulating on the internet about some military mom responding to Khan’s speech. Haven’t read it, but someone in the office had it printed out. It’s obviously an attempt to malign the Khan family in some way.

  5. Steven M. Moore Says:

    Hi Scott,
    Inre your last paragraph: that would surprise me. Many veterans and the VFW came out against Trump’s attack on the Khans. I know that some wrongheaded people blame vets for all wars, ignoring the fact that 99.99% of them are dedicated to protecting this country. Vietnam vets were spat upon, for example. I never could understand that reaction. This country’s military is subservient to the government and its commander-in-chief and the civilian leaders in the DoD. Politicians send the military to war–if any blame is due, it’s on them and not the vets.
    The Trump battleship might be sinking. We already see the other rats jumping ship. His refusals to support Ryan and McCain indicate he’s willing to fire those torpedoes at himself. Stay tuned.