Politicized weather?

You have to wonder why Rupert Murdoch wants his own Fox weather channel. The only reason I can think of is that he’d like to promote the fascist view of climate change using anti-global warming rants masquerading as weather news. Or maybe they’ll be talking about a hurricane and blame Biden and the Dems?

One thing I long ago learned about the Murdoch family: You can’t trust them! They’re dishonest about the news, far beyond a bias (they even managed to piss off Trump—go figure!). Their commentators are scurrilous fascist mouthpieces who cater to the plutocracy (Murdoch is one, of course, who plagues both the UK and the US) and take 1984‘s double-speak and Goebbels’s propaganda lessons to an insidious level. I wonder who’ll be the Sean Hannity of their new weather channel.

Lies about global warming and climate change abound. We don’t need more of them. Fox, Fox Business News, etc. will now be joined by a weather channel of lies, yet another Murdoch media outlet I’ll need to avoid, except for the occasional dip now and then into that cesspool of fascist reporting to make me laugh at its absurdity and wonder if it’ll kill me. I don’t watch Fox now, and I won’t watch their damn weather channel.

If you watch Fox anything any more than that, and especially if you watch nothing else, you’re part of the problem. You’re at least a sucker for fascist propaganda, conspiracy theories, and nasty anti-democratic pundits’ rants, all feeding on moronic viewers like you (with Trump as the lead moron). Democracy can’t function without intelligent participants, but you’re obviously okay with turning ours into a brain-dead fascist state at the service of plutocrats.

Of course, Murdoch is one of the 0.1% that has more wealth than the 90% of the rest of us. He’s a visible plutocrat; most aren’t, making them all the more dangerous. (Some even hide behind a bit of philanthropy, like Koch for Lincoln Center and PBS.) Perhaps the invisible ones are more a danger to democracy? But there they are, smiling like evil, cunning Cheshire cats, contributing the dark money that hastens our descent into a fascist hell designed to their specs. Money and power corrupt, but they all see money as guaranteeing their power, so they want more power to make more money, no matter how they steal it from us.

They backed Trump. He’s such a malleable moron they could pull his puppet strings at will. But, as head lemming, they could keep their hands clean as he did their chore of leading the rest of the marching morons right over the cliff for the plutocrats. You can bet that Murdoch, his familym, and the other plutocrats want Trump back in 2024 so they can finish destroying American democracy.

They say our country is divided. That’s a nice word for what’s going on! And that division line, that border between sanity and insanity, passes right through Fox Media. Or maybe it’s in the center of the insanity? There’s a minority of marching morons across the US who watch Fox, and there’s a majority that’s intelligent enough to boycott Fox. Needless to say, I’m in the last group, and I’ll be boycotting Murdoch’s weather channel. Does anyone sell a Fox filter? Or do the British still have Fox hounds?


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