Op-Ed Pages #18: Between rage and depression…

“Rage, rage, against the dying of the light….” I rage against Trump and his evil army, and I’m depressed that the light of democracy in this country is dying. Many days I think we now need another Civil War! (I’d much prefer, of course, that Trumpsters would come to their senses and realize their hero is a snake-oil salesman.) As the history of 1930’s Germany is currently repeated in our land, how can one not rage against the evil, hypocritical, bigoted, racist Trump and his followers who now make up the Good Ole Piranhas hordes? This mood of mine alternates between that rage and a terrible depression that Despicable Mel (Trump) and his fanatic Minions (Trumpsters) will succeed in destroying America and the rest of the world.

I rage when I see the crowds of Trump fanatics, those “marching morons” without masks or any social consciences, cheering for their leader, the “f&^%ing moron” (SecState Tillerson quote). I often hope they all die from COVID—he won’t, of course, because he keeps away from the idiots and gets tested every day, something no one in America can do because of him. (Why is the pandemic battle a political issue?) But I’m also depressed, thinking these mindless zombies will kill me, my family, and friends, and anyone else who doesn’t play along with them, fanatic hordes of despicable human beings. Until that happens, I don’t want any of them near me. Unless you see the error of your ways, stay away! You are diseased if you’re a Trumpster (better name than “Trumper” because it rhymes with “dumpster”). You’re diseased both mentally and physically, carrying a terrible virus in your mind as well as in your body.

Is the GOP the party of Lincoln? No way! Lincoln is looking down on them now, shaking his head, terribly annoyed with these poor excuses of human beings. The current Good Ole Piranhas no longer have the right to claim his ancestry. (Most of them would have fought with the CSA.) Lincoln wasn’t a racist, bigoted, and faux Christian like Trump and his followers. He had a SCOTUS nomination to make, with less time than now in replacing RBG, but he waited until the next term. He was a reasonable man and understood that the electorate should have its say, an argument the Good Ole Piranhas made in 2016 about Justice Garland. Lincoln wasn’t a racist or a bigot. And he was willing to fight a Civil War in an attempt to stamp out those who believe that crap. But the man who killed Lincoln was the first Trumpster…and true ancestor of the GOP! It’s gone downhill ever since.

Biden is right! This election is about saving the soul of America. Don’t look for the Good Ole Piranhas to save it. They’re zombies without souls, having sold them to the Devil named Trump. We already have Gardner, Graham, Grassley, and McConnell’s number—hypocrites,  all of them. They might just lose their electoral contests, but they don’t give a rat’s ass. They’ll screw American liberty any way they can. And Romney clearly votes for anyone who wants to turn the country into a religious theocracy. Only Collins and Murkowski have had the courage to go against Trump’s toadies in the Senate when it comes to SCOTUS nomination timing. And so we’ll see healthcare, abortion, and immigrant rights, and many other human rights fall in the shitstorm created by the Good Ole Piranhas, Trump’s imperial snarl appearing within the smoke and flames, saying, “Now I am Death, the destroyer of worlds.”.

People with pre-existing conditions will now be legally murdered by insurance companies. Women will have no right to make their own health decisions. We’ll see the Dreamers locked up and eventually deported, if not executed (imprisonment in internment camps is a death sentence with COVID), and everyone who is brown or black will be persecuted by newly enabled white supremacists (the FBI has declared them to be the most dangerous domestic terrorists—how long will Wray survive under Trump). We’ll see an evangelical theocracy take power in America, creating 21st century versions of the Salem witch trials as they burn disbelievers at the stake…or draw and quarter them, as rabid evangelicals cheer. (Amy Coney Barrett, that includes you! You’re a Catholic, and we all know evangelicals think the pope is the anti-Christ. Come to think of it, that means Mitt Romney too, since he’s Mormon and thereby not evangelical! Jews, Muslims, and Buddhists should watch their backs too!)

Unfortunately the forces of evil led by Trump are aligned against the good people who believe American democracy is worth preserving. They have no use for good people. Violent confrontation between good and evil might be the only answer now. Fight or flight is the quintessential human choice when confronting predators, and that’s what Trump is—even a sexual one. We can’t flee because no one wants us—the rest of the world considers us tainted by the madness called Trumpism. Our only solution is to fight against hordes of evangelical armies, fascists who hate democracy, and racist and bigoted white supremacists, all of them drinking Trump’s poisonous Kool-Aid.

Unfortunately it might be a fight without any good conclusion, producing an even stronger, more oppressive America, a purely fascist country ready to take over the world in an Orwellian nightmare of our own making, a country led by fascists who celebrate with parades of Stormtroopers marching along Pennsylvania Avenue to celebrate all their fuehrer’s future birthdays, a leader who’s a despicable wannabe Hitler called Trump. But the good fight, even down to the last good woman, man, and child, will be worth it, a more positive action than being caught between the rock and hard place of unfocused rage and bleak depression.

I just wish I could wake up from this nightmare to a better country and planet without Trump and Trumpsters! But it’s our dark reality, folks. The real reality show of a fascist takeover is taking place before our eyes. If you feel the same way, resist in any way you possibly can. I protested against the Vietnam War and for Civil Rights. I can only resist now with my words and my vote, but you can do more! Make your patriotic march slogan #NeverTrump!


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Death on the Danube. At the end of Son of Thunder, #2 in the “Esther Brookstone Art Detective” series, ex-MI6 agent and ex-Scotland Yard inspector Esther Brookstone and Interpol agent Bastiann van Coevorden finally say their I-do’s. At the beginning of this new novel, #3 in the series, they embark on their honeymoon cruise down the romantic Danube. When a strange passenger who is traveling alone is murdered, Bastiann takes over the investigation because the river was declared international waters in the Treaty of Paris. Who really is this gaunt victim? And who on the list of passengers and crewmembers is the assassin? Mystery, thrills, suspense, and romance await readers who join them in their journey. You can’t take this trip now because of COVID, but you can join them in spirit. Available in ebook and print format at Amazon, and all ebook formats at Smashwords and its affiliated retailers (iBooks, B&N, Kobo and Walmart, etc.) and affiliated library and lending services (Scribd, Overdrive, Baker & Taylor, Gardner, etc.). See the Readers’ Favorite 5-star review here.

Around the world and to the stars! In libris libertas!

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