Op-Ed Pages #14: Vainglorious bastards…

No, this isn’t a review of that awful Brad Pitt movie Inglorious Bastards (tried to watch it, but, like a bad book, I left it after ten minutes—okay, maybe that is a review?). No, I’m talking about that Trump the Chump Reality Show (more fantasy than reality with its lies and vitriol), led by the snake-oil fascist, Donald Trump AKA Il Duce AKA Vainglorious-Bastard-in-Chief and his homophobic sidekick, Brother Pence. (Of course, they’re not bastards in the true sense of the word; Trump had a father and learned far too much from that sociopath.)

“Vainglorious” perfectly describes Narcissus le Grand and most of his minions, so his is my review of the RNC, where luminaries from the Good Ole Piranhas are practiced their Orwellian doublespeak into the wee hours of the night. Or is it just following Goebbels’s dictum? Say the lies often enough, and people will believe them.

Some people will believe the doublespeak, that’s for sure…those marching morons who make C. M. Kornbluth’s characters in his famous sci-fi novella seem tame. Trump’s followers are so gullible that they’ll follow the “f&^% moron” (SecState Tillerson quote) right over the cliff like lemmings. “Blue-collar billionaire”? Now that’s the epitome of an oxymoron. Narcissus le Grand spews a lot of those too, and has trained homophobic Brother Pence and his family and other minions to spew them, along with the doublespeak and lies.

That brings me to Don Jr. Like papa and granddaddy, he should be in nappies, in a straitjacket, and locked away in a padded cell (the nappies are needed for his big mouth where only you-know-what comes out). He spewed lots of doublespeak during his speech along with that oxymoron “blue-collar billionaire.” If anyone out there thinks the Chump cares about anyone but himself, Giuliani’s probably willing to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn that he thinks he owns (he came out from under his rock too for an evil cameo-he has his ticket to leave the country as soon as the Donald loses).

“Church, school…”? Great timing there, Don Jr. Most everyone will remember your daddy’s evangelical leader and campaign donor in 2016, the most Rev. Jerry Jr. (the juniors were really blathering a lot last week). Is he what you mean by church, Don Jr? Working to create an evangelical, fascist theocracy, are you, led by philanderers like you, Falwell (actually he and his wife are holy swingers too), and your father, nasty men who abuse and use women? I see decency in the Biden camp. I see a bunch of immoral and perverted  creeps in yours. And school? Well, there’s Liberty U, which essentially financed Jerry Jr. and his wife’s sex games. (I wonder if that’s a course there. It would be more entertaining than that “Hate the Pope” course.) Or maybe we should ask your father to teach courses on how to hire someone to take their SATs? He missed out on following Lori Mclaughlin’s example—I’m sure he would have applauded her easier solution to get into UPenn (couldn’t stay at Fordham—it’s run by Jesuits, those demon hordes of the anti-Christ).

Ah, beautiful Melania! That pretty face did mention the COVID-19 pandemic, but avoided saying how hubby is failing miserably at managing it. Dr. Fauci is being kept from network news now, and the latest CDC proclamation was created when he was under anesthesia so he couldn’t object. (FYI to Trump’s cabinet members: It’s still going on, so don’t use the past tense!) Or maybe we’re supposed to just blame Trump supporters, the marching morons who party, won’t wear masks, and think the whole plague is just a Democratic hoax? 180,000 deaths and counting, many of them unnecessary and occurring because your hubby, Melania baby, doesn’t give a rat’s ass about anyone’s suffering, including yours. Oh, I’ll admit, Melania, that you’ve done a few things beyond adding to your high-fashion wardrobe as wife to that blue-collar billionaire. One I’ll always remember is your destroying Michelle’s rose garden. You tried to pretty it up with lots of American flags—kind of weird for an immigrant because your husband hates them, you know, and considers them anti-American—but that crowd of maskless morons during your speech not practicing social distancing sort of ruined the mood…or made a terrible statement about what you really think? (Both that and your husband’s crowd of idiots were insults to the people’s house.)

But let’s return to more political issues. COVID-19, like Americans’ health in general, doesn’t concern Trump the Chump. We’ve been waiting for a health plan from him and the Good Ole Piranhas for years, but they’re too busy trying to gut the ever popular ACA. The political issue I want to finish with is making things that shouldn’t be political just that. (The pandemic qualifies there too, but I’ve said enough about that in these pages.) So let’s talk about foreign policy (which the RNC completely ignored) and the new SecState Pompeo! While old SecState Tillerson (definitely the better of the two!) will live forever in sane people’s memories because of that famous and so truthful quote (funny how that opinion is shared by many Good Ole Piranhas, most not daring to express it, even those fascists still left in Trump’s administration), Pompeo gives the finger to traditional diplomatic protocol and spews a political speech from Israel, politicizing diplomacy to the nth degree. He has a history of that, of course, so it’s not surprising, I guess. The whole Trump administration is about as diplomatic as an army of skunks protesting at Estee Lauder’s, so he’s just being the chief skunk (after Trump, of course). And Bibi is a Trump clone, so he felt right at home, as the poor Palestinians figure out what to do with that new UAE/Bibi evil coalition—with MBS’s Saudi Arabia, it’s looking an awful lot like that evil Axis of World War II as they try to take over the Middle East.

And that brings me to the my general impression of the RNC: I’ve been saying for almost four years now that I’m having déjà vu of 1930s Germany. Okay, I’ve only read about the Nazis’ takeover and seen news clips–I was a boomer protesting civil rights abuses and the Vietnam War, which came later. But as I watched Trump and his minions spout their doublespeak, vitriol, and alternate facts (oh, thank you, Kellyanne, for that beautiful oxymoron!), I fully expected to hear them and the lemmings break out singing “Die Fahne hoch…” (first line of the Nazi anthem Horst-Wessel-Lied, meaning “The flag high…”). It was damn scary! And I wasn’t even thinking about Q-Anon. God help us!


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Rogue Planet. Considering how too many want to see the US become a fascist theocracy like Iran, only evangelical (the pope’s the anti-Christ, don’t you know), I thought some readers might be bold enough to see what a sci-fi world like that might look like. Along with Soldiers of God, some of you might have concluded even before now that I don’t like evil theocracies of any flavor. Well, you’re right. Here one man leads the charge against one to save his planet. Will he succeed? Or will he lose his head like the other so-called heretics? Set in the same sci-fi universe as the “Chaos Chronicles Trilogy,” this is hard sci-fi with a Game-of-Thrones flair (there are no dragons). Available wherever quality books are sold.

Around the world and to the stars! In libris libertas!

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