News and Notices from the Writing Trenches #63…

#354: Aristocrats and Assassins.  The release is a wee bit delayed, but it will happen real soon now.  Someone said that good things are worth waiting for.  As I age, I have more problems with that adage—my patience threshold is worse than before.  But I’ve always been impatient.  I had my entire undergraduate study planned halfway through high school.  The summer I turned thirteen, I wrote my first novel, but I figured even then I would starve as a writer, so I became a scientist, and, PATIENTLY, postponed my writing career.  So, have patience with me, dear reader—your ebook tour of Western Europe with Detectives Chen and Castilblanco will soon be available!

#355: A thorough rewrite.  My next release will probably be the complete rewrite of Solders of God.  It’s only in pbook format right now, my only novel not in ebook format.  The rewrite will be a second edition.  You will recall that it’s a bridge between “The Clones and Mutants Series” and “The Chaos Chronicles Trilogy,” so it plays an important role in my opus.

#356: Other ebooks in the works.  After Soldiers of God, there are several other novels on my to-do list for this year.  I have two stand-alones in progress (i.e. not part of the timeline of my usual fictional universe) and another Chen and Castilblanco mystery (see the excerpt at the end of Aristocrats and Assassins).  Phew!  It’s going to be a busy year.  No guarantees on release dates.  (Yes, I often have parallel projects going on.  I learned to do this as a scientist.  I’ve found it keeps the mind agile, the writing fresh, and facilitates content editing.)

#357: Donating ebooks to libraries.  I’ve been trying to do it for a while.  Joe Konrath is starting up something that looks like a good idea where a library can pay for one ebook and then lend it out multiple times without further charges to them or their borrowers.  Sounds like a way to donate if there’s a mechanism so I can pay for Joe’s one-time charge.  They’re still working out details, though, so stay tuned.  [Apparently, they’re not answering queries, by the way—maybe because I’m not a library?  You’d think they’s want to get both libraries and ebook authors on board…sigh….]

Like Joe, I believe libraries have been shafted in this digital age.  First, from my personal experience, there’s no easy way for an indie author to donate ebooks.  Second, the Big Five limit the number of borrows for ebooks and then require the library to buy a new copy of the same ebook title, something they NEVER do for pbooks (they’d much rather sell expensive hard-bounds to libraries, of course, squandering a library’s vanishing budget).  I’ve had a good experience with my few pbooks, going through several copies as the old become worn and tired.  But most of my opus is now exclusively ebook (after the Soldiers second edition, it will all be ebook), so third, the current policy, dictated by the Big Five, is just another way to shaft indie authors too.

#358: The British are coming!  Actually, I went to them.  I believe, perhaps immodestly, that many of my books can entertain international readers, especially the books that have a lot of globetrotting in the plot.  Moreover, I think the ones with local flavor, where the setting is the NYC or tri-state area, for example, could give UK and European readers entertaining insights into Yankee culture (and I’m not talking baseball).  So, for once, I made use of one of those links on Linked In and discovered Maurice Tudor, who runs a writer’s co-op  and a newsy book blog .  His price is right, too—free!  We’ll see how it goes for me across the pond—can’t hurt to make some noise over there.

#359: No contests.  You might have noticed my contests are gone.  No matter what I do, they seem to land with a big thud.  So be it.  They’ll go on vacation for a while because I need to reevaluate their efficacy yet again.  I’m also halting promos of free books on KDP Select.  There are two ways still to receive freebies: you can offer to read the ebook (and only ebooks from now on, by the way) and write an honest review for Amazon; or, you can join Amazon Prime and borrow the ebook.  The first doesn’t give me any royalties, but I get something in return.  (Sometimes not.  I’ve had people ask for ebooks, and I send them, but then they never write a review.  You know who you are!)  The second does give me reduced royalties, thanks to Amazon’s floating Prime fund.

But it’s never been about selling books for me.  I write to entertain YOU, the reader.  If I didn’t have any costs to recover, I would just give my ebooks away.  While my costs are minimal, and probably less than maintaining a speedboat or skiing hobby (between lift tickets and après-ski, skiers probably spend more much more at Killington in a day than I do producing an ebook), I’m giving away my time.  If you like, I’m feeding an addiction—I love to write and entertain readers with a good tale, whether it’s a short story, novella, or novel.  So, please don’t think my new policies are stingy.  I might be an old curmudgeon, but I’m not stingy!

In libris libertas….        


6 Responses to “News and Notices from the Writing Trenches #63…”

  1. Scott Says:

    Very much looking forward to ARISTOCRATS… and also to the ebook version of SOLDIERS OF GOD.

    Just out of curiosity, who is “Infinity Publishing” and how did you end up with them? (Might be an interesting blog entry?)

  2. Steven M. Moore Says:

    Welcome back Scott,
    You’ll very much enjoy A&A, I’m sure. SoG continues the saga of Vladimir Kalinin aka Sergio Battaglia, started in The Midas Bomb and into “The Clones and Mutants Series.” I’d like to read some of your in-laws’ reactions to SoG because the central theme is violent religious fundamentalism v. peaceful spirituality (in the case of the book, the first is perpetrated by home-grown terrorists some years after No Amber Waves of Grain). It’s probably the most philosophical book in my opus…but also a thriller!
    A&A will probably be released this week or next weekend. If you’d like to review it, send me an email and I’ll gift you a copy in return for an honest review–a small sacrifice considering all the other reviews you’ve done. 😉
    How’s the writing going? I hope the hiatus in your comments implies you’re writing up a storm.

  3. Scott Says:

    I haven’t always found much to add to the discussion, but I’ve been reading your posts about the Russians with great interest.

    I’ve been getting some writing done. I published a short story called DEAD OR ALIVE, which I wrote about 15 years ago. I rewrote it and expanded it from 2500 words to about 7800 words, and updated it as well. (It’s about a detective asked to investigate a missing persons case and he finds that the girl has gone vampire! Written long before any TWILIGHT stuff was out…) Then I realized that there was a backstory to be told (the story of the missing girl) and that came out at about 8200 words. Then I started writing what I thought would be a short story of about 2500 words on what happens after DEAD OR ALIVE to the detective, which I was going to include in a combined ebook of the two longer stories, but that story ended up being over 9000 words. Then I made a cover for the second one, and have been formatting it, and in between my son has had solo contests and auditions for high school band and math team and scholastic bowl and band concerts…and then there was the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting and the American Equilibration Society meeting…I’ve just been a little overwhelmed…

    Can’t wait for both books!

  4. Steven M. Moore Says:

    Sounds like you could almost combine things and obtain a novella. The trick about writing when you have a day job and other activities is to squeeze in the writing at odd moments–say, on a napkin during happy hour at the Midwinter Meeting, etc. A few minutes here, a few more there–keeps you and your muses happy. I know–I did it for years.
    A&A goes live tomorrow, I believe, so send me your email if you want a reviewer’s copy. Europeans should like it too, by the way.

  5. Scott Says:

    I already bought it, also posted a link on my author page on Facebook. I’ll review it when I get to it, but I’ve gotten myself a bit bogged down at the moment on my reading.

    PS. That ZOO PLANET short story I wrote that you went over with some editing for me got accepted into the anthology! Thanks for your help with that!

  6. Steven M. Moore Says:

    Hi Scott,
    Because you often write reviews of my stuff, I feel bad that you bought A&A. Other C&C books have lower prices now, in case you’re missing any.
    I remember the story about the zoo planet, but I don’t remember editing that much–just comments here and there. It was an interesting concept.
    I know that bogged-down feeling. I have many items on my to-do list right now. Even had to go to DMV this morning. Yea! My old clunker passed inspection again. (I suppose the data-miners e.g. Google will start bombarding me with new car ads again! And people complain about the NSA.)
    I know it’s tough to keep a day job going and write too. Just keep truckin’, old fellow….