Football in the days of pandemic…

I’ll admit it—I’ll miss pro football. Yes, I know, football widows have already realized that greedy NFL owners, to salvage something, are willing to risk players, sportscasters, and support staff’s health to create an anemic season, even if it means playing to empty stands. What’s Bob Kraft going to do? (I won’t mention what first comes to mind—this is a PG-13 rated blog.) If players refuse to play, will he fire them? Will he fire Tom Brady, that chap who put the I back in TEAM? (In spite of that, Brady showed, in spite of himself, that football is indeed all about TEAM.) Oh, right, the GOAT won’t be playing for the Patriots this season…or probably any other! But the Pats’ team play is why I’ll miss football.

As an old chap myself (older than Brady, and on a par with Coach B and Kraft), it was always fun to watch Brady make do with the players he had, Gronk or no Gronk, and shred the opposition’s defenses. (He’ll have the big G as a target at Tampa Bay, though, if they ever get to play a game.) Brady’s not bad for a forty-plus-year-old. I’ll miss him showing the world that getting old can mean getting better, even in the toughest sport there is. (Although Irish rugby might come close—look Mom, no pads!).

But Brady has betrayed the Pats’ fans. I’ve never liked his politics—Brady and Kraft (and Coach B?) are far too cozy with Trump and his policies (although all three are probably a lot smarter). Brady might just run for president someday; he couldn’t be any worse than the current POTUS. But he’s followed the money to Tampa Bay along with Gronk. New England’s fans don’t count for these two, just playing more football to make more truckloads of dollars keep arriving. (Not to mention the free Cads and trips to Disney World for Brady—when will Gronk get his due?)

I no longer live in the Boston area (I did, which is why I’m a Pats, Celtics, Bruins, and Red Sox fan—I’ve been a Celtics fan ever since Bill Russell and Casey Jones went there from USF). But I imagine the folks up Boston way aren’t too happy with either Brady or Gronk “retiring” to Florida. The Pats’ dynasty is over, and Coach B and Kraft don’t have a handy replacement for the GOAT, as far as I know. And with no fans because of COVID-19, who gives a rat’s ass about what happens to the Pats? Or pro football in general? The rest of the country hated the Pats anyway. You can bet I won’t be rooting for Tampa Bay. In fact, I won’t be watching NFL football at all. I’m becoming a football widower!

Maybe UCSB, my alma mater, will finally build a competitive football program? Probably not happening!


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