Fascism for sale!

Some news about three of my favorite duplicitous countries:  (1) The Pakistani spy agency has been implicated in the murder of journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad.  Yes, these are the same guys that arrested the people who helped us send OBL to hell where he belongs.  They’re also the same guys who knew where he was all the time.  (2)  It turns out the Afghan police (army?  it’s hard to tell in a Third World country) were incapable of putting down the attackers at that hotel in Kabul.  They needed the help of NATO attack helicopters.  (3) The Saudis have purchased some special tanks from German companies.  These tanks are equipped with special crowd-control features.  Is Angela Merkel and her government embarrassed?

News from the Pentagon (can we believe them?) indicates that we’re pushing the Taliban back to the Pakistani border.  That’s a good thing, I suppose, given that the opposite could be true, but neither Afghanistan nor Pakistan are worth more American blood and treasure.  Both countries are corrupt, duplicitous, and inept—no matter how you examine them under your microscope, they are not our friends.  We don’t really have any friends in the Middle East.  Not even Israel (remember Pollard, Franklin, and other Israeli spies?).  These people haven’t lived in peace for centuries.  It’s a very arrogant bunch of American diplomats if they think they can force peace upon them.

Mr. Karzai’s corrupt policies are dedicated to maintaining the flow of American dollars into his country from both foreign and military aid as well as from heroin use back in the land of the free.  He’s dancing on the edge of a precipice as he bites the hand that feeds him.  Moreover, he and his compatriot sycophants have not been able to create anything resembling a stable government with a military that can ensure peace and stability.   How many guys entered that hotel?  The NATO gunships aren’t going to be there forever, Mr. Karzai.

We should cut loose both Afghanistan and Pakistan, the first for corruption (a lot of duplicity there), stupidity, and ineptness, and the second for outright duplicity, not to mention the historical fact that they’ve sold nuclear secrets to the terrorist world.  Talk about guys that would shake with you using one hand and put a knife in your back with another (which hand to use for what is always a moral dilemma for Muslim jihadists—it’s a cultural tabooish thing).  Throw in Syria, and you have three despotic regimes run by Neanderthals, and that’s insulting the cavemen.

The Pakistani selling of nuclear secrets is just one example of fascism for sale.  You don’t think the Pakistani government is fascist?  Do woodchucks chuck wood?  (Geico provides the answer.)  Every Arab and Persian nation is fascist—some nations are theocracies, but all are fascist.  But the real bad guys not only export hate against the West, they export anything they have that can be used to attack the West.  Nuclear secrets?  Come and get them.  Arms for Hezbollah and Hamas?  Sure!  Underwear bombers?  You bet.  (Note added in posting:  The Obama administration just cut most military aid to Pakistan.  Finally!)

However, the country that really irks me is Saudi Arabia.  The Pakistanis don’t even pretend to be our friends, whereas the Saudis are sleazy snakes that do.  These bozos make enough from their oil that their country should be the shining star of the Middle East.  Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Jordan, Israel, and so forth don’t have oil.  The Kuwaitis do, and they’re spreading around the wealth in their country—while exploiting immigrant labor, of course, just like we do.  But the Saudis spend their wealth on two things, both of which are terribly annoying:  (1) maintaining the power of the Royal House of Saud, and (2) pumping money into madrasas that teach children to hate the West.   #2 speaks for itself—OBL and most of the 9/11 fruitcakes were graduates of these schools and are considered heroes by present teachers and students.  #1 includes buying arms from the U.S., Europe, and Brazil (Russia and China might be in the list too).  But the tanks from Germany are special.

Why in the world do the Saudis need tanks with crowd-control features?  Ask Hosni Mubarak that question and he’ll reply, “I just wish I had had some.”  Don’t think the tanks are to control a few Saudi women who want to drive a car alone.  No, the Saudis know that eventually they’ll have serious turmoil in their country—bloody battles with protesters from all walks of life who want to throw off the chains placed upon them by a self-serving hegemony delivered straight from the Dark Ages via FedEx.  They can’t tippy-toe along the tightrope between supporting the West and violent jihad for much longer.  The tanks will be there so they don’t have to run for their lives.

However, the real culprits here are American and European weapons manufacturers.  Ms. Merkel is not alone.  She is as stupid as the next politician, just looking the other way as she arms the Saudis with weapons that will make Hitler’s Kristallnacht look like child’s play in Saudi Arabia.  She’s exporting fascism to an effete bunch of Arabs who are not afraid to embrace it.  They already have.  They just want to shore up the levees, to obtain some life insurance, literally.  Ms. Merkel shouldn’t be embarrassed—she should be ashamed.  And Germany along with her.  If anyone should remember how fascism can tear apart a nation, it’s Germany.  Or have they forgotten?

And so it goes….




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