The case against ideology…
Tuesday, September 15th, 2015Ideological truth is an oxymoron. We spent the last two centuries debunking ideologies—all the different –isms, like Marxism, Nazism, Zionism, Socialism, Communism, and so forth. We are still fighting some of those. They’re like shingles—dormant viruses that awaken from time to time to attack the body politic.
This century we are increasing our understanding of how the human brain works. It has a marvelous capacity for reason and logic, often creating great thoughts, inventing new technologies, and making works of artistic splendor. It also has a nasty way of getting its wires crossed, short-circuited, and contradictory to common sense and logic. The latter problems can often be described as brainwashing when it comes to ideologies. Brainwashing can be inflicted by others, or it can be self-inflicted. Ideologies are often the tools for doing both.
Small-minded people become easily addicted to ideologies. The latter provide a closed system of minutia that’s attractive to such people, easy solutions for problems perceive in their lives, real or imagined, simple solutions that ignore complexities and conflicting relationships to other problems. An ideology is a one-size-fits-all approach to a small life of parochial thought that allows people to get on with their mundane and sometimes suffering lives. Ideologies encompass religion; they’re all the opium of the masses.
We can’t be too vocal in our condemnation of power-hungry demagogues who exploit these weaknesses of simple-minded people. A radical iman preaching jihad is the scum of the earth. But a Marxist preaching about how wonderful the world will be when workers rule, or a priest telling impoverished peasants their reward will be in the hereafter, these are in the same class and deserve condemnation too.
But those who swallow this malarkey also deserve condemnation. They are negating their human potential to do and create great things; they are living a life of lazy intellect by accepting ideological truths as fact. There are no seven virgins awaiting the suicide bomber; there is no worker’s paradise awaiting the Marxists’ followers, only a brutal dictatorship of the proletariat; and there is no place among the angels awaiting the pious and exploited peasant.