Op-Ed Pages #14: Vainglorious bastards…
September 1st, 2020No, this isn’t a review of that awful Brad Pitt movie Inglorious Bastards (tried to watch it, but, like a bad book, I left it after ten minutes—okay, maybe that is a review?). No, I’m talking about that Trump the Chump Reality Show (more fantasy than reality with its lies and vitriol), led by the snake-oil fascist, Donald Trump AKA Il Duce AKA Vainglorious-Bastard-in-Chief and his homophobic sidekick, Brother Pence. (Of course, they’re not bastards in the true sense of the word; Trump had a father and learned far too much from that sociopath.)
“Vainglorious” perfectly describes Narcissus le Grand and most of his minions, so his is my review of the RNC, where luminaries from the Good Ole Piranhas are practiced their Orwellian doublespeak into the wee hours of the night. Or is it just following Goebbels’s dictum? Say the lies often enough, and people will believe them.
Some people will believe the doublespeak, that’s for sure…those marching morons who make C. M. Kornbluth’s characters in his famous sci-fi novella seem tame. Trump’s followers are so gullible that they’ll follow the “f&^% moron” (SecState Tillerson quote) right over the cliff like lemmings. “Blue-collar billionaire”? Now that’s the epitome of an oxymoron. Narcissus le Grand spews a lot of those too, and has trained homophobic Brother Pence and his family and other minions to spew them, along with the doublespeak and lies.
That brings me to Don Jr. Like papa and granddaddy, he should be in nappies, in a straitjacket, and locked away in a padded cell (the nappies are needed for his big mouth where only you-know-what comes out). He spewed lots of doublespeak during his speech along with that oxymoron “blue-collar billionaire.” If anyone out there thinks the Chump cares about anyone but himself, Giuliani’s probably willing to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn that he thinks he owns (he came out from under his rock too for an evil cameo-he has his ticket to leave the country as soon as the Donald loses).
“Church, school…”? Great timing there, Don Jr. Most everyone will remember your daddy’s evangelical leader and campaign donor in 2016, the most Rev. Jerry Jr. (the juniors were really blathering a lot last week). Is he what you mean by church, Don Jr? Working to create an evangelical, fascist theocracy, are you, led by philanderers like you, Falwell (actually he and his wife are holy swingers too), and your father, nasty men who abuse and use women? I see decency in the Biden camp. I see a bunch of immoral and perverted creeps in yours. And school? Well, there’s Liberty U, which essentially financed Jerry Jr. and his wife’s sex games. (I wonder if that’s a course there. It would be more entertaining than that “Hate the Pope” course.) Or maybe we should ask your father to teach courses on how to hire someone to take their SATs? He missed out on following Lori Mclaughlin’s example—I’m sure he would have applauded her easier solution to get into UPenn (couldn’t stay at Fordham—it’s run by Jesuits, those demon hordes of the anti-Christ).