ABC Shorts: Alpha-Omega-1…


Copyright 2018, A. B. Carolan

[Note from Steve: Have you read Asimov’s Second Foundation? I think A. B. was inspired by it to write this short short story. Or is it a sort of inverse “Flowers for Algernon”? After you finish, see if you agree with either perception.]

Omega-1191 stared at the image. “It’s so small,” she said. “Was I once that small?”

Epsilon-9349 laughed. “We all were. All clones start out as one cell. You, I, everyone. Alpha-Omega-1 is exceptional, though, because I’ve convinced you to go natural—conception with a sperm and an egg. I can’t tell you which Alpha provided the sperm, of course.”

“We’re not violating any laws, are we?”

“None that anyone cares about anymore here on our planet. The Colonization Protocol was a set of rules enacted centuries ago to speed up a colonial planet’s population growth. Moreover, it was created on Earth, and Earth is no more, so why worry?” And a bit late to do so, she thought.

“It does seem right, doesn’t it?” said Omega-1191. “You’ll check that there are no genetic defects?”

“Just as we do with standard cloning. Mutations are possible in either case, especially here. Our planet receives a higher cosmic ray bombardment than Earth and also has a weaker magnetic field, diminishing protection from the solar wind.”

“Can I watch it grow?”

“Why don’t you visit us every two weeks? It’s an interesting process.”


Alpha-Omega-1 was born 271 standard days later. In three standard years, Omega-1191 watched him grow, and everyone noted he was an exceptional child. He was fascinated with numbers, factoring them into primes and constructing exotic numerical sequences to amuse himself. He also started creating elaborate holographic art forms and complicated but wonderful musical compositions.

“There are mutations,” said the doctors. “We have to watch them and make sure they’re viable.”

At five, Omega-1191 first felt Alpha-Omega-1 within her mind, his feelings of love for her. He could fetch things for her simply by thinking about doing it.

The doctors were worried. She heard talk about euthanizing her son because they considered him a human aberration—not only abnormal but also a mutant. He read their thoughts and later told her they wanted to do that because they were scared.

When Alpha-Omega-1 told his mother they were coming for him, she fled to the mountains with her son.


At twelve, Alpha-Omega-1 left his mother in the mountains.

“Where will you go?” she had asked him.

By that time her son didn’t walk or run anymore like normal children. He’d figured out anti-gravity and exhibited many other strange skills.

“I’ve been reading history, mother,” he’d told her. “I’ve decided to emulate Alexander the Great. He did it all wrong, though. I’m leaving to conquer the galaxy, and I’ll do it right.”


The Midas Bomb and Full Medical are now on sale at Smashwords—first books offered in the “Great Spring Thaw Sale.”

In libris libertas!

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