A potpourri of tweets…

I’ve decided to be more efficient. Instead of sending a lot of tweets out via Twitter (which those website folks would love me to do, I’m sure), I’ll put them all here in one blog post. There are probably more people following this blog than are following me on that website anyway; and, if not, the audience here might be, generally speaking, more educated (Trump’s right-wing trolls still water down Twitter’s IQ quite a bit).

Will Biden become the world’s worst mass murderer? It’s looking that way! His administration is dragging its heels about evacuating the Afghans who helped coalition forces, the US and its NATO allies. Everyone from cooks to translators, about eighteen thousand of them, are in risk of losing their heads as the Taliban take over the country. Biden et al don’t seem to give a damn. In their haste to outdo Trump and leave Afghanistan, they will only outdo him in how many people Il Duce effectively murdered. The withdraw should have had mechanisms in place before it began. So what if Kabul ends up like looking like Saigon? We got our asses whipped in Afghanistan too, so it should look like Vietnam! No wonder we don’t have many friends in this world.

Did Trump support hit squads? If you’re not troubled by the fact that the elite Saudi paramilitary group in charge of dismembering Kashoggi and murdering other MBS enemies was trained in the US by a State Department school for murderers, you should be. Trump had love affairs with  many despots, but MBS and his cronies held a special place in his heart. Can’t you just see him dancing with the scimitar-loving guards? You should see it now as a warlocks’ dance, Berlioz’s “Symphonie Fantastique” providing the musical score.

Will 2022 voters be able to vote? Not if the Good Ole Piranhas, America’s national fascist party, has anything to do with it. Their plan for winning elections? Suppress the vote, making sure all those black and brown people can’t show up. McConnell et al are focused on taking back the House and Senate, and they will try any fascist technique they can imagine to do that. Let’s get rid of the filibuster so we can get something done! Better yet, let’s get rid of the Senate! The Founding Fathers sure screwed us by creating that and the Electoral College, the heavy-duty tools in the fascists’ toolbox.

What happened to climate change? With everything else going on, we tend to forget about the greatest existential threat to humans and all life on Earth. Southerners, who see worse damaging weather events occurring every year now, should have a clue, but they’re too busy with supporting Q-Anon conspiracies, denigrating women who deserve control of their bodies, attacking black and brown people, and other far-right causes. Westerners, who live through hundreds of brush and forest fires and an ever increasing drought, ignore Mother Nature’s warnings. Tired of mask? Just wait to you have to huddle inside because to go out means dressing up like a spaceman due to the heat and pollution. Of course, inside is dangerous too when that power needed to run our ACs becomes rationed. We’re probably beyond the tipping point, but any more delays for a serious attack on global warning will just cause more deaths, and condemn future generations an unlivable planet.

Who do you call, ghostbusters, the police, or a social worker? The first is a joke, of course, but so is the third, a tragic one. When some violent SOB threatens to kill his wife and children, I don’t think social workers will help. When a mental case decides to take his AK and spray a crowd, social workers won’t help. Defunding the police, a far-left death wish, just shows how stupid people have become. Yet the recent mayoral race in NYC came down to just that: One leading candidate was against violence on the city’s streets, and proposed policing reform (needed in many cases), not defunding; another, to appeal to that AOC crowd, which compromises with no one, nationally or locally, prefers social workers. Some of those followers tout social workers as the answer, not cops. The mentioned far-left candidate had her own personal security guards, of course; no social workers for her! God help us!

Will 12 to 30-year-olds allow Covid to continue to kill thousands? It seems like an easy choice: A vaccine that can save your life vs. your anti-vax sentiments, for whatever the reason. Let’s forget about absurd reasons like believing the vaccines contain microchips to turn you into a zombie. Some people, most of them young idiots (or their parents), just think Covid won’t be deadly for them because they have a strong immune system. Moreover, the older ones want to continue to have fun in their lives. If these people were the only ones to die, I wouldn’t mind too much, but they’ll kill others—people with cancer on chemo therapies who can’t take the vaccine, little kids 12 and under, and so forth. Geez, maybe Biden won’t be the greatest mass murderer in US history? It will be the 12 to 30-year-olds who refuse to be vaccinated!

Misconceptions propagated by medical “experts”? Dr. Walensky, along with many other medical gurus, mislead the public. What we see reported on are Covid variants, the delta variant is but one example, that are either more transmittable or more deadly (so far, the vaccines still work with these mutations, but who knows?), but viruses don’t choose to do us more harm by mutating, i.e. become more successful from their point of view (they don’t have one, by the way). All sorts of mutations occur; the ones that aren’t better for the virus’s pandemic succcess don’t proliferate. It’s Darwinian evolution in action at the viral level, pure trial and error, not some sinister enemy wanting to destroy us. In fact, the latter would never be a contagion’s goal, if there were one—what does it do after the hosts are all gone? By ignoring this aspect of Covid, the CDC and other medical organizations are falling into the hands of creationists and other anti-Darwinists!

What did airlines do with all that money? Yeah, I know, they’re cancelling flights right and left because no one wants to work anymore. Blame the stimulus. But that stimulus was also given to the airline companies as well, big time. Can’t they sweeten the deal so pilots and other personnel are enticed to come back to work? What about that surcharge for cleaning, PPE costs, etc.? Long ago, I stopped trusting airlines, and that was before Covid. US carriers don’t receive the pampering national airlines in Europe and the rest of the world receive, but they live off of government largess in other ways. Now, where’s that suitcase I lost back in 1992?

Do sports matter anymore? College sports becoming pro and pro sports becoming too big are changing the way I see sports now. Athletes with multimillion dollar contracts and higher pay for product endorsements getting a boost to their brands for coming out, or for donating a teeny percentage of their millions to some good cause? All well and good, but so what? Let’s face it: Sports are just the new religions of the masses, and sports stars are just the false prophets, of today’s society bent on self-gratification. I suppose it might be a Dem plot to distract all those redneck Trumpers from promoting their worthy agendas? Or providing Dems with something healthier to do rather than molesting and cannibalizing children? And why does the reappearance of sporting events signify the virus is vanquished? Not by a long shot (pun intended).


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