Reviews for Mind Games by A. B. Carolan…

[Note from Steve: In an attempt to declutter my web page “Books & Short Stories,” I’m going to start collecting some significant reviews for each book or series in the blog category “My Reviews.” When all is said and done, readers can search for a book title or series and see the reviews. This might be doubly important, because good reviews I’ve received are often NOT on Amazon. I exclude all reviews by trolls, of course, most of which have zero content and contain only vitriol—Lord knows why. You’ll find most of those on Amazon and its sister-site, Goodreads…along with other good reviews!]

“This is a wonderful book not only for young adults, but for everyone. It has a wonderful story line that keeps you turning the pages to find out what happens next. It is a wonderfully thrilling journey following a young girl and her quest. Her multitude of experiences and how she handles them make this an excellent book.”—Rebecca, in her five-star Amazon review

“An awesome, fast-paced story that will compel you from the first page to read all of the way through. And so difficult to put down! There are such wonderful characters in this story you become invested in their adventures and their well-being. I highly recommend this!!”—Dr. Patricia Eroh, in her five-star Amazon review.

“This one is a good sci-fi mystery. Della is a young girl who has to find out what happened to the man who raised her, Ferdie. She is on a distant planet with few humans, and she is the exception, being able to psychically read peoples’ minds. She also can do various other unusual things. The story at first is a little hard to follow with all the different alien activities and places. But then, as Della is captured and transported to Earth, it gets easier to read and more interesting. I like the way she uses her gifts to escape and know what people are thinking. She quickly makes some allies who agree to help her find her friends from the other planet. Meanwhile, she’s trying to solve the mystery of why Ferdie was murdered. It’s a wild adventure and quite a different story than most, and those who enjoy sci-fi and mysteries will enjoy this book, Mind Games.”—Lee Broom, in her four-star Amazon review

Mind Games is a fast-paced sci-fi mystery novel. The author jumps right into the story with Della coming ‘home’ to find her foster father dead on the floor. She’s numb from the shock of this because, while they live in the Domes, murder is a rare thing. She knows that he has a past, but she never once thought that it was something worth being killed over. She’s immediately determined to find out who killed him, why, and is more than willing to break the promise she once made to him to not use her psi skills to do so.

This is the second book that I have read by this author and I have to say that overall I enjoyed it the most. The storyline is not slow and moves at quite a bit of a clip. I enjoy the pace of the story as it keeps me engaged, but I do feel that some opportunities are missed with descriptions and further exploration. Della is an engaging character, and I like that she is using her unique skills, but I wanted more. Every time she exercises her abilities the other characters are quick to accept and seem completely okay with what she is capable of. I wanted some sort of reaction in more than just then like “oh wow you have psi abilities.” There is a nice amount of mystery and even danger in this story as Della is seeking information that a specific group doesn’t want her to have.

While this is a decent book overall, it is not without its flaws. I wanted an actual description of Della. We get bits and pieces here and there, but I wanted to know what she really looked like. I feel like there are some missed opportunities with this book, but I also feel that this book is meant more for teens and preteens as well. There is some danger, but nothing to the extreme.

I am rating this book 4 out of 5 stars. I enjoyed this book, but as I said before I feel that there are some missed opportunities with this story. There could have been some more drama written in, more intense moments, and even some expounding on the planets, and aliens.”—Seraphia, in her four-star Amazon review.


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Mind Games by A. B. Carolan. Androids with psi powers? What could go wrong? Della arrives at her home in the Dark Domes on the planet Sanctuary to find her adopted father murdered. She vows to find his murderer. She had promised him to never to use her psi powers but now decides to use them to begin her sleuthing, which carries her to other planets in ITUIP, the Interstellar Trade Union of Independent Planets. Friends help her along the way to avenge her father’s death. Available in print and ebook format at Amazon and in ebook format at Smashwords and all its affiliated retailers (iBooks, B&N, Kobo, etc.). This novel is part of the “ABC Sci-Fi Mystery Series” by the same author, which contains two previous novels The Secret Lab and The Secret of the Urns, both “evergreen books”—sci-fi is always current!

Around the world and to the stars! In libris libertas!


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