Where’s Clancy’s jumbo jet?
Let’s consider the current political situation: Donald Jackass Trump and his whole horde of fascists from the executive, legislative, and judicial branches are bent on destroying American democracy! Maybe drastic measures are required? To help answer that question, let’s see what measures some screenwriters and fiction authors have considered appropriate.
For example, the incredibly original and unpredictable Tom Clancy might be able to offer a solution! The circumstances in Debt of Honor are different, but I’d like to remind everyone that what happens there is appealing, considering the takeover of our country by American fascists, especially in light of the Fascist Party of America’s letting Trump and his minions to literally get away with murder (pardoning those far-right snakes who maimed and killed cops on January 6, 2021, is only one of the orange devil’s sins). In effect, justice would finally be served even if fascist SCOTUS judges still considered Narcissus le Grand America’s king.
What happened in Debt of Honor? A pilot stole a jumbo jet, a 747, and crashed it into the Capitol during a joint session of Congress, taking out a whole slew of inept politicians. A new beginning, I’d call it. I can’t remember the Hollywood version—maybe I never saw it!—but Hollywood producers and screenwriters often destroy good plots and create stereotypical heroes and villains in a way that often annoys me and many others. I do remember Clancy’s book and maybe audience reactions to the movie, so maybe I did see the latter but focused on audience reaction more?
I tend to do that. I’m a fiction writer, so I observe situations and people, even if they’re acting stupid (like the fools at a Trump rally!). I compare audience reactions too. For example, the rest of the Alien franchise couldn’t begin to compare with the shock caused by the first movie’s scene when the alien popped out of that guy’s chest. (Something like America’s wannabe Il Duce and J. Done-Nothing Vance berating and insulting our brave and courageous Zelenskyy.) The audience’s gasp was quite audible over the soundtrack. (I’m sure similar gasps were heard all over the US and Europe as they watched Trump and Vance’s performance.)
More memorable for me, though, were two other movies when the audience actually stood up and cheered: Clancy’s Debt of Honor, and when the aliens destroyed most government buildings in Washington DC—I think that film was called Mars Attacks and featured Jack Nicholson recreating his Cuckoo Nest role (what Trump has turned Washington DC into, by the way!) and playing the US president. (The real one, who’s also hilarious at times, is a vicious fascist pig in comparison.)
I’ll focus on the Clancy story, though. To paraphrase one of his quotes that run across the top of this website, old Tom once said that fiction has to seem real. I’m not sure that scene with the jumbo jet was all that realistic, in the novel or on the silver screen, but the audience reactions I remember in the movie theater were interesting, to say the least. Now I’m thinking the audience’s cheers would be even louder: Maybe we need that jumbo jet!
Everywhere I look, I see incompetence in government. Sure, the Fascist Party of America (FPA) and their fuehrer, Donald Jackass Trump, are pretending to “straighten out the country.” What BS! They’re only creating chaos, destruction, and human suffering! And the Dems are so flummoxed by their complete mismanagement of their 2024 campaign efforts that they’re acting like deer in headlights. Federal judges are trying to stop the FPA and aid the hapless Dems, but they’ll soon run afoul of the fascist SCOTUS or be impeached by an FPA-controlled Congress.
In other words, all three branches of the US government are dominated by incompetent hacks now, intent on siding with Moscow, and that’s putting it nicely. A jumbo jet crashing into the Capitol during a joint session (gee, one’s occurring tonight, right?) could just be what our country needs: A clean sweep and a new start! Of course, there’s no Jack Ryan to save the day but the idea is appealing…and why all those movie audiences and most likely readers of Clancy’s book cheered!
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Anti-fascism in my stories. That’s been a theme since my very first novel Full Medical, accompanied by the theme of terrorism (the latter is just an extreme form of the former, of course). Trump is both a fascist and terrorist, of course. In my fiction, those who fight for democracy and freedom usually win. (In the real world, that’s always in doubt with autocratic personalities like Putin, Xi, and Trump around.) Pick a story—Legacy of Evil, for example—and get some satisfaction that the good guys can win. You might even get some ideas about how to help them win in the real world? We certainly need to do that, even though the US has abdicated its role as the leader of the free world with Trump in charge.
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