The Clinton dynasty is in trouble…

[This post is long, but it’s important.  The future of our nation is at stake.  Read on, please.]

It’s enough trouble that Mrs. Bill Clinton is running neck-and-neck with Mr. Donald Trump in a recent ABC News/Washington Post Poll—IN VOTER DISAPPROVAL RATINGS as well as popular vote.  Mr. Sanders is consistently doing better against Mr. Trump in national polls.  She can’t generate any enthusiasm; Mr. Sanders generates the crowds.  The news media wrote off that Carson, CA crowd cheering Bernie Sanders as “a few thousands turned out in support of Mr. Sanders.”  Mrs. Bill Clinton “packs” a small hall but with only a few hundred!  As Mr. Trump has stated in his inimitable insulting manner, the problem Mrs. Bill Clinton is having is that she can’t “put Bernie away.”  He recently won Oregon outright by 10 percentage points and fought her to a virtual tie in Kentucky, a state she carried overwhelmingly against Mr. Obama in the 2008 primaries.  Mr. Sanders won’t go away, he has nothing to lose, and, even if he did go away, his voters just might spurn the Clinton dynasty and sit this one out.

But not before making noise.  There will be more crowds in California as that primary draws near.  There will be crowds in NJ (there already are—last Saturday right here in Montclair).  Mr. Sanders has an energetic following.  It’s amazing that this old guy can generate this kind of energy.  It’s not so amazing that the old gal can’t.  He wiped that imperious entitlement grin off her face early.  As we’ve progressed through the primary season, those who didn’t know her learned about her and didn’t like what they saw and heard. She’s flawed, lyin’, and connivin’, and her smug, waffling husband is even worse (maybe less smug now than a year ago?).

She wants that old philanderer to solve the economic problems?  Please, not another NAFTA!  Not another crime bill (how is it that blacks support this deadly duo again?)!  On the other hand, the more people hear about Mr. Sanders, the more they like him—except those old blacks and Hispanics and others swallowing the Dem establishment’s lies and forgetting about the she-devil’s negative attacks on Mr. Obama in 2008 that were stealthy racist appeals directed at white voters.

Most media, in their rush to buoy up their flawed candidate, the queen in the Clinton dynasty, created a storm in a teacup when they reported on the unrest at that convention in Nevada.  Let’s review that Nevada primary.  Harry Reid bathed in Mr. Sanders’s praise sitting in the front row of a Nevada town meeting—you could almost feel sorry for the SOB and his blind eye–but he went out afterwards and told Nevada’s union bosses to send their members to vote against Mr. Sanders.  Oh, the irony, considering Mr. Sanders supports unions!

The fracas at the Nevada convention can be attributed to the Nevada Dem chairwoman, Reid, and Wasserman-Schultz playing the roles of two-bit dictators by changing the rules at the last minute in order to get Mr. Sanders’s delegates declared invalid and give those slots to Clinton supporters.  Let me repeat that:  A LAST MINUTE CHANGE OF THE DELEGATE APPORTIONMENT RULES!  Guess who’s orchestrating that!  Sanders’s supporters were justifiably upset.  But the only one arrested in the melee was a Clinton supporter!  Moreover, Sanders’s supporters weren’t objecting to the original rules per se—they were objecting to that last minute change.

Next in this storm in a teacup: Harry Reid dares to call Sanders and tell him to get his people under control, or pay the price.  Why?  Because Wasserman-Schultz, the DNC chairman, can’t manage a damn thing and passed the buck to him.  Sanders doesn’t like her, and for good reason, after that voter records scandal—remember Mr. Sanders’s accusation that the Clinton campaign was doing the same thing with the blessings of the DNC?  Wasserman-Schultz never followed up on that—guilty by omission, I’d say.  Yet she goes on CNN and accuses Mr. Sanders of fanning the flames, obviously not even reading his complete memo where he decried any violence (in her defense, it was a whole page—she probably flunked third-grade reading).

Her insulting, surly, and sour diatribe on CNN is what will fan the flames!  And through all this, Clinton supporters are telling Mr. Sanders to throw in the towel for the good of the party?  40% of Clinton supporters refused to back Mr. Obama in 2008, so turn-about is fair play.  And those pleas are generally accompanied by threats to the effect that they’re not going to give him anything for promoting that party unity.  In this toxic environment, why should Mr. Sanders bow down on his knees to the royal Clinton dynasty?  Why should he have any respect for Mrs. Bill Clinton’s supporters?  And why shouldn’t he wave the middle finger at the entire Democratic Party’s crooked establishment?

Mrs. Bill Clinton said in an interview in 2008: “We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June before California [1968]” as an excuse for not backing Mr. Obama at a similar time in the 2008 campaign—she continued with hers.  If Mr. Sanders said that, he’d be excoriated by the faux-liberal, anti-democratic Democratic establishment, but let me say it differently: if Sanders wins California and continues to do better than Clinton against Trump in the national polls, why wouldn’t super-delegates, who supposedly want to field the best candidate, start turning to Sanders?  So, he should not only ignore the pleas for party unity, he has a responsibility to do so, because Dems should want to field an unflawed yet popular candidate against the GOP nominee.

The sneaky antics of the Clinton dynasty and the DNC have been going on all primary season.  Mr. Hillary Clinton, the once and future king, was outside the polls in Massachusetts, cajoling voters to cast their vote for his queen—was he doing this at the required distance from the polls?  Probably not.  How could he be?  He was glad-handing them and slapping them on the back.  In Brooklyn, 150,000 Dem voters were turned away from the polls and never even got to vote—NYC’s infamous Mayor De Blasio, the one under scrutiny now for previous campaign finance improprieties, is a Clinton supporter.  Every election board in every blue state is run by the Dem establishment.  As far as I’m concerned, all votes for Clinton are questionable for these reasons!  The Dem establishment led by the Clinton dynasty cannot be trusted.  I suspect a lot of them should be in jail for election fraud!

I can see various scenarios playing out in the next few months as we approach that Dem convention in Philly.  None of them will change the fact that the Clinton dynasty is in trouble.  First, whether Sanders wins California and NJ or not, there will be a lot of angry Sanders delegates in Philly—unless other states change the rules at the last minute.  If he wins those two states, it will just add to the anger.  Second, the Clinton dynasty better not write off Sanders’s success to a lot of old disgruntled white men and immature, idealistic youths.  I’ve seen Sanders supporters cutting across all demographics in those rallys and campaign events.  He has pointed out serious problems afflicting this country that need to be fixed (see “A Wrinkle on a Campaign Issue” from last week and “Single-Payer Sophistic Attack” this Thursday for examples), and that resonates with Dem voters.  The Clinton dynasty and the Dem establishment can ignore these problems at their own peril.

Third, there is this stupid mantra uttered by Wasserman-Shultz, Gillibrand, Boxer, Feinstein, and other A-list female members of the Dem establishment and thousands of female voters: “It’s time to have a woman president.”  That’s a laughable non sequitur because these same women want equal pay for equal work and other progressive advances but aren’t gender neutral about the presidency.  What about choosing the best person for the job—male or female, straight or gay, black, white, or green, whatever?  And putting down young female supporters by saying they’re starry-eyed idealists looking for a boyfriend doesn’t help the situation either.  Moreover, Trump is right: Mr. Hillary Clinton is the worst abuser of women in American politics and much more will be uncovered about his sexual escapades during the general election campaign—you can count on it!.  And women want to put him back in the White House to run the economy?  Good luck with your economic issues.  He has no respect for women.  He didn’t even respect his own wife!

Fourth, Mr. Sanders has proven the system is rigged.  Nevada is but the tip of a huge iceberg.  Of course, it always has been rigged.  Party establishments have rigged it since the founding of this nation.  Isn’t it time to take dirty politics and lyin’, connivin’ politicians out of the equation?   Even if done legitimately, Mrs. Bill Clinton has collected most of her delegates, beyond those establishment super-delegates (those aren’t legitimate ipso facto in my mind’s eye) in Southern states that the GOP usually wins, while Mr. Sanders has shown her to be weak elsewhere.  Yes, she’s won some, but in most cases where it counts the two candidates have split the delegates pretty evenly.  That means that roughly half of Dem voters and, in the cases where they could vote, independents, don’t like the idea of putting the Clinton dynasty back in power.  If the Dem establishment and the Clinton dynasty don’t make some concessions, these voters will sit out the election (but maybe not the convention?).  That doesn’t mean that Mrs. Bill Clinton won’t win (Mr. Trump is more flawed than she is), but she’ll have a tougher time doing it.

It’s interesting that the storm in a teacup mentioned above in Nevada can be traced back to Mr. Reid’s appeal to union bosses in Nevada.  There are many unions that like Mr. Sanders a lot more than Mrs. Bill Clinton.  A national rep of a nurses’ union, for example, has stated that there will be protests in Philly inside and outside the convention hall in favor of Mr. Sanders and against Mrs. Clinton.  I expect that the nurses won’t be the only ones because people are generally pissed.  It could become as ugly as the 1968 convention and for much the same reason (many stupid pundits are missing this point entirely)—we have an out-of-touch, corrupt, and retrograde Dem establishment that’s not responsive to modern voters.  And here we thought it would be the Republicans, but the Dems might upstage them, and not in a good way.  Shows how creative Mrs. Bill Clinton is—she can create chaos out of tranquility and keep a straight face while it goes on.  But you already knew that from Benghazi, right?

Mrs. Bill Clinton is so flawed I don’t see how anyone can support her.  The Clinton dynasty says it can get things done?  Yeah, they dismantled all protections society had against Wall Street greed; they championed a crime bill that filled prisons with black petty offenders, leaving their families economically destitute and the true offenders on the street; they let the first attack on the WTC go unpunished; they put NAFTA in place, encouraging corporations to move overseas and eliminate Americans’ jobs; and they couldn’t come up with any solution to the healthcare problem.

And the pretender to the throne, Mrs. Bill Clinton, showed she can outdo her husband by supporting the invasion of Iraq, letting people die in Benghazi, and committing a felony by using a non-secure server—even if there were no classified emails on that server, it’s still a felony.  The dynasty has made millions giving clandestine speeches to special interest groups and Wall Street (with a lot more secrecy than her email server, I might add).  And that foundation?  It’s at best a scam so King Clinton can tour the world in grand style.  Other shenanigans are probably still hidden—we’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg.  That’s how this dynasty gets things done!  In short, they’re conservative and predatory wolves (Queen Hillary likes applying that p-word to blacks, but it’s more appropriately applied to the Clinton dynasty) in progressives’ clothing and always have been.  Why would true progressives ever support them?

But Mrs. Bill Clinton will be nominated at that Philly convention, no matter what happens.  I can just see Mr. Hillary Clinton’s smug face on that stage as the once and future king struts to and fro thinking about eight more cushy years in the White House dedicated to destroying the poor and middle classes of America (and maybe some more interns’ lives?).  Who knows what expression will be on her face?  Probably anger, if the true progressives at that convention give her a hard time.  But there’s one thing for sure: the Clinton dynasty is in trouble.  God save the royal couple?  He might refrain from doing that.  God help America instead.  America will need it after even four years of Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Trump.  Oh, how low American democracy has fallen!


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