Talk about prescient!

At the beginning of my “Chaos Chronicles Trilogy,” in the first novel, Survivors of the Chaos (first edition, 2011; second edition found in the three-book bundle), I paint a dismal and dystopian picture of what has become of the US and the world. I’m more convinced now than ever before that the divisions in our country will be used by the felonious President-elect Donald Jackass Trump to destroy American democracy and democracy in our world. As Vladimir Putin stated after congratulating the jackass, “It’s a new world order.” He meant “fascism rules; democracy fails,” of course. (Did everyone forget the first Trump term’s debacle when there were people who tried to rein him in?) I hate to say it, but I told you so…in that very 2011 dystopian novel!

In fact, the name “Chaos Chronicles” is very appropriate: There are some survivors of the chaos in that novel, some good people who help take humanity to the stars. I’m sure that many of us now want to flee the US to live elsewhere, anywhere away from Trump. They realize that, even with Trump’s evil genius Elon Musk behind the scenes, going to the stars might be a stretch though. Maybe New Zealand or Norway where democrats not demagogues still wield power? But it’s questionable whether there’s one place on Earth where humanity might be safe from fascism now.

The villains in this fictional but prescient trilogy are fascists like Donald Jackass Trump, Putin, Xi, and other autocrats. In fact, in the third tome, Come Dance a Cumbia…with Stars in Your Hand!, Donald Trump could have been my model for the psychotic and sociopathic villain, although that evil man is a lot more dangerous than Narcissus le Grand because he has a brain. At the time of writing that last novel, I was thinking of my novels as my Foundation trilogy a la Isaac Asimov and the villain in that last book as Isaac’s Mule. Now he seems more like Trump with a brain (including his perverted treatment of women!).

Of course, Trump was a nobody at the time I penned that trilogy (in a sense, he still is). I had a feeling that someone like Trump would come along, though, and had observed enough of human behavior that human being’s tribal natures would most likely create another demagogue like Hitler. There are two, father and son, in Survivors of the Chaos; there’s the one in Come Dance a Cumbia; and you can consider the ruthless ETs of Sing a Zamba Galactica to be an intergalactic version of our very real MAGA hordes.

Again, these were just some prescient guesses about the future history of mankind I made. It’s quite unfortunate that they’ve gone from science fiction to political fact so soon. As much as you want to escape the soon-to-become completely fascist chaos of the US, you now have no escape. Good luck in surviving our very real chaos created by the jackass—he loves chaos! Obviously, a majority of American voters didn’t and don’t give a rat’s ass about the future of our country, and they don’t want anyone to survive his chaos!


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The “Chaos Chronicles Trilogy” collection. This inexpensive bundle of three novels covers thousands of years of humanity’s future history, beginning with a dystopian Earth, reaching out to the stars where both good and bad ETs are encountered, and finally settling peacefully until a vengeful business mogul out for retribution tries to destroy all that’s been gained. Available wherever quality ebooks are sold (even on Amazon). These are “evergreen” novels, i.e. stories that are as fresh, interesting, and even more relevant as the day I finished their manuscripts. (You can see that above!)

Around the world and to the stars! In libris libertas!


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