Movie Reviews #52…

Wind River. Taylor Sheridan, writer and director. This has been on my must-see list for a while. After seeing it, I can say it’s an intense movie where the snow and cold play a big role. Set in Wyoming, it’s based on true events (you never know how much Hollywood changes them, of course) and features a tough forestry service hunter Cory Lambert (played excellently by Jeremy Renner) who helps FBI agent Jane Banner (Elizabeth Olsen) find the men who raped and killed an eighteen-year-old Native American girl. Olsen is miscast; she just doesn’t strike me as a kick-ass FBI agent and is bumbling to boot. Much better is Graham Greene as Ben, the law on the reservation. This modern Western is gritty, deep, and revealing about the plight of Native Americans in the U.S. Their distrust of white men is well justified and their reservation’s squalor is deplorable, yet they exhibit a nobility, pride, and sensitivity that is remarkable. Highly recommended.


Last day for book sale: Some authors bundle a series or part of a series.  Here’s an alternative: from now through September 30, all three books in the “Clones and Mutants Trilogy” are on sale only AT SMASHWORDS, $1.99 for each ebook, reduced from $2.99—that’s one-third off.  The clones make their appearance in Full Medical as part of a complex government conspiracy, they combine forces with the mutant in Evil Agenda to thwart another plot, and they all save the world in No Amber Waves of Grain.  These aren’t comic book characters like X-Men—they’re real people who work to halt an apocalyptic future.  Use the link and go directly to Smashwords, enter the coupon codes during checkout, and get hours of fall reading for only $3.  (Amazon addicts, did you know Smashwords also sells .mobi files for your Kindle? They handle all popular ebook formats and distribute to many retailers and lenders—Apple, B&N, and Kobo include.) Pass the word about this sale to your relatives and friends. And, for librarians purchasing ebooks for their libraries, I’ve reduced the price of most of my ebooks on Smashwords fpr library purchases. Use the link to see my entire catalog.

In libris libertas!




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