Introverts, extroverts, and the internet…
Thursday, February 16th, 2012A comment, a one-liner, I recently received to a very old blog post, read as follows: “you suck you gay computer nerd why dont you go die.” Even though WordPress let this through the spam filter, my usual censoring policy kicked in, and I deleted it. That policy is this: if a comment doesn’t add to the conversation, whether it’s positive or negative, there is a—pfft!—and it’s terminated with prejudice, like via a Glock 19 with silencer. Nevertheless, this particular comment started me thinking about how computers and the internet have allowed introverts like me to have a voice. It’s a small voice, but it reverberates more via internet TCP/IP packets than it would ever do in personal face-to-face discussions.
While “you suck” might be appropriate (however, some people do like my writing), I reluctantly inform this reader/commenter that 1) I am not gay, although I’m a supporter of human rights, and those include gay rights; 2) I am not a computer nerd (more on this later); and 3) I don’t have any plans to die soon, but that’s mostly out of my control—and his too, I hope. The title of the post this person read was “Short stories versus novels…” from October 20, 2010. I reread this post. Besides its obvious length (a recurring failure of mine, compared to others’ posts), I fail to see what our writer of negative tweets found so objectionable. Take a look and comment if you see something I don’t. (I recently had an eye exam, but I could have missed something.)