Where have all the readers gone?
Wednesday, March 26th, 2014[Note from Steve: This is the third post in preparation for Tom Pope’s and my Socratic dialogue on writing thrillers. It’s more about reading, though, not writing. The title is a bow to Pete Seeger.]
I read and review in many genres, including non-fiction. Every author should be an avid reviewer. And, if you want to give something back to the community of readers and writers, honest reviews help those readers who are looking for new and interesting books to read. Of course, they help writers too, but I’m pleased when I receive that note from Amazon saying that one of my reviews helped a reader make a reading decision. That’s my reward. (I never charge for reviews because money can’t beat that kind of reward.)
Many writers don’t share my views on reviews! Some will say that they’re busy writing and that they can’t take time to write a review. Some will say that they have a policy of not reviewing other authors because they’re afraid of being accused of practicing review exchanges, aka a you-scratch-my-back-I’ll-scratch-yours review policy. Whatever the reasons, I respectfully disagree with them. Authors should write reviews. They can do them on review websites or places like Amazon and Smashwords and avoid the review exchange criticism (many accept clever pseudonyms for their reviewers). They can be technical without being erudite. And their reviews will be useful to the reading public. Above all, writing reviews shows that the author is also a reader and not just a person interested in selling books.