The “Future History” Timeline…
Thursday, December 8th, 2016I believe Heinlein coined the phrase “future history” when describing his books about Lazarus Long and his descendants (sci-fi aficionados can correct me if I’m wrong). It seems a bit contradictory, but it describes well a huge story arc, a long saga if you will, that moves along through the future and over several books. Asimov’s extended Foundation series is exactly that, but the sci-fi master didn’t offer up many dates—I don’t think Heinlein did either.
I revisited and updated the timeline for my future history recently. I mentioned last week that I’m working on a new YA sci-fi mystery. Because the short story it’s based on (written in 2007) is in the same universe described by the timeline, I had to place the events in the story on it. Let me summarize the timeline (this updates a much earlier post).
In brief, the timeline includes three series, the “Detectives Chen and Castilblanco Series,” the “Clones and Mutants Trilogy,” and the “Chaos Chronicles Trilogy.” It also includes these bridge-books: The Golden Years of Virginia Morgan (bridge between the first two series), and Soldiers of God (bridge between the second two series). The novella “From the Mother World” in Pasodobles in a Quantum Stringscape can be considered an introduction to Sing a Samba Galactica, the YA sci-fi mystery The Secret Lab is concurrent with the first part of Survivors of the Chaos, and the Dr. Carlos stories in Pasodobles and Fantastic Encores! (and the one still archived in “Steve’s Shorts”) lead into Rogue Planet, the last novel (so far) on the timeline.