New book prices and sales…
Tuesday, June 5th, 2018Most of my indie ebooks are $2.99. Considering that the Sunday Times is $6 now, and I spend far more time producing a book than the Times does in writing that newspaper (I’m discounting ad copy, which I ignore), I hereby announce that all new ebooks in the future will either be $3.99 and up, depending on word count. That means they’ll still be a bargain, of course. (There’s almost zero entertaining and meaningful fiction in the Times, so maybe I’m comparing apples to oranges?)
I don’t have control of pricing for my traditionally published ebooks (the ebook version of Rembrandt’s Angel, $5.50, still beats the cost of the Times, though). Same goes for all my print books. The indie ones have the lowest prices that Amazon’s Create Space allows; the traditional ones, like the traditionally published ebooks, have prices set by the publishers.
For readers who want free ebooks or ebooks on sale, forget about it! I long ago decided not to give away my hard work, no matter how much Amazon, book promo sites, and readers want me to do so. Marketing gurus advise authors to make the first book in a series free. I find at least two problems with that marketing strategy: (1) I spend at least as much time and effort writing that first book as any other book in the series, or any other book, for that matter (some books, like Rembrandt’s Angel, require a lot of research, for example); and (2) that marketing tactic is unfair to readers and authors alike because it assumes that readers have to read a series sequentially, when a true series should have the property that each book can be read independently—if the latter’s not true, the series is just a soap opera! (That was Howey’s installments of Wool until he combined them together, that soap-opera flavor affecting the total—still a good read, though.)
If you want free, and insist on it, I provide that option in abundance with short stories in these blog posts from my colleague A. B. Carolan and me, and I also offer free short fiction as downloads (short story collections and novellas—see the “Free Stuff & Contests” webpage for the list and the easy directions for downloading). Of course, reviewers can receive a free copy of a book in exchange for an honest review (habitual reviewers often receive bonus ebooks of their choice too). That’s it for free! Nada mas!