Putin is living in the past…
Tuesday, March 11th, 2014Volodya has a deranged, nostalgic view of past Russian might. He yearns for a return to “the good old days” and seems hell bent on trying to recreate them. While the rest of the world knows Communism with a capital C, aka the Kremlin mafia, failed completely and put the Russian bear on a stringent diet of becoming just another poor Third World oil country, this old KGB psychotic murderer lives in the past. Only there can he flee from his own mortality; only there can he delude himself into thinking that Russia can return to greatness.
The irony is that Putin lives in the past but ignores any obligations Russia incurred there. If I remember correctly, the Ukraine turned over all the nukes found within the borders of the new country to Russia and allowed the latter country to maintain its bases there on the condition that Russia would always respect Ukrainian independence. I guess Volodya figures he didn’t sign that agreement, so he doesn’t have to adhere to it. He pretty much does what he wants to do—he’s used to getting his own way as Grand Poobah of the Shirtless Universe. Moreover, he’s as slippery as the oil and perspiration on those abs, and also the Russian chessmaster of doublespeak. He lives so much in the past he thinks 2014 is 1984, although he probably never read the book—he had all the ideas he needed from the KGB.