Steve’s shorts: Mayhem, Murder, and Music’s Glory Road…
Wednesday, October 21st, 2015[This one’s inspired by Billy Batson’s powerful imagery found in “I’ve Got a Long Way to Go” as sung by Hedge and Donna. I saw that singing couple on a Pete Seeger show years ago, liked them a lot, and bought their LP—that old vinyl technology for recording music for those born after the CD revolution. It’s the first LP I managed to get into my iTunes database. The story is partly based on real events and occurs at a time when PTSD didn’t exist as an acronym.]
Glory Road
Copyright 2015, Steven M. Moore
Paul saw the explosion just before he heard it. When he awoke, he was no longer in Vietnam. The nurses and doctors were U.S. Army people, but the hospital was in Tokyo. He figured that out without seeing much—just blurs and splashes of pastel colors. He felt very much alone.
A bit later, a soft hand took his wrist. “How are you doing, soldier?”
“Not great, if I’m here. You’re from the South.” He liked her soft voice, but was the tone pitying or compassionate?
“Good ears. You’ll need them,” the nurse said.
“Because I can’t see? Is that permanent?”
“When we get you back to the States, we’ll find out. Right now, count yourself lucky. Others in your patrol lost their lives. You’re pretty much intact, except for the eyes and losing a few fingers. I think they dug a round out of your back. That will be sore, but the least of your worries.”
“Right hand,” he said, wiggling his fingers enough to feel the heavy bandage. He already knew his eyes were bandaged. “Why am I here?”
“On the way back,” she said. “You’re going home. Your trek down that glory road is over, at least as far as Vietnam is concerned.”
Paul relived the attack many times in many hospitals before he ended up back in Indianapolis, his home. Jersey was the lieutenant, he was the sergeant, and the others were new at combat. Ricardo Santos, called Jersey because he was from there and spoke with the accent, was OK, but some of the new recruits didn’t like him. He asked a lot of everybody, but the new guys had lost the lottery and some were bitter about it. One in particular, Jimmy Coulter, a Southerner, didn’t like taking orders from Jersey. Paul had tried to mend fences, but there was always tension.
But was it bad enough to shoot Jersey and me in the back? Catching them both by surprise, he had turned enough to see Coulter and wound up facing the blast. The shot was insignificant as Jersey took the brunt of the explosion, shielding Paul. Is Jimmy dead? Paul hoped not. He wanted to find the bastard! (more…)