Who are the criminals?
Tuesday, December 8th, 2015This ramp-up to 2016 elections has been noted for outrageous statements from the wannabe presidential candidates, most notably from the GOP side. Just recently Ted Cruz opined publicly that all the criminals are Democrats. He went on to say that’s why liberals or progressives are so easy on crime and want to reform prisons and reduce sentences. This buffoon’s bombastic and bloviating blathering (I can alliterate with the best) might have its genesis in the Canadian’s desire to out-trump Trump, but it’s an insult to most of the voting public: does he actually believe any sane person will buy into the sewage effluent springing forth from his mouth? (Note that I said “sane person”; there are rabid elements in our society who will believe anything—Trump depends on that.)
Only two states allow felons to vote while in prison. I assume a corollary to that factoid is that only two states allow felons to register as a member of a political party while in prison, but maybe that corollary is wrong. Some people argue that disenfranchising felons isn’t a good idea—I’m not one of them (if they want their civil rights, they can stay out of prison, except when it comes down to wrongful convictions)—but the current state of affairs implies that the prison population isn’t comprised of registered Democrats. So, the brilliant senator who should be a terrible embarrassment to the state of Texas (they have to own up to many embarrassments, of course) must be saying that there are criminal elements who haven’t been caught yet…and they’re all Democrats?
I won’t dwell on the absurdities Cruz has said and is saying more than this. Instead, let me turn the question around: why doesn’t the GOP own up to the criminal label? Let’s start with the NRA (there are many other examples, including the pro-life rhetoric—the GOP has no commitment to protecting lives AFTER birth!–but the slavish pandering to the NRA is the most deadly one). Every NRA member is a criminal because s/he enables murderous elements to commit atrocities against innocent victims. This lobbying group pushes back on every reasonable move to limit arsenals like the one the recent California shooters possessed. It’s become so bad that the NY Times decided to put an editorial about this on the front page last Saturday (the first one since 1920 and not strong enough in my opinion—I don’t have to coddle readers, but the Times still does).