The Clinton dynasty is in trouble…
Tuesday, May 24th, 2016[This post is long, but it’s important. The future of our nation is at stake. Read on, please.]
It’s enough trouble that Mrs. Bill Clinton is running neck-and-neck with Mr. Donald Trump in a recent ABC News/Washington Post Poll—IN VOTER DISAPPROVAL RATINGS as well as popular vote. Mr. Sanders is consistently doing better against Mr. Trump in national polls. She can’t generate any enthusiasm; Mr. Sanders generates the crowds. The news media wrote off that Carson, CA crowd cheering Bernie Sanders as “a few thousands turned out in support of Mr. Sanders.” Mrs. Bill Clinton “packs” a small hall but with only a few hundred! As Mr. Trump has stated in his inimitable insulting manner, the problem Mrs. Bill Clinton is having is that she can’t “put Bernie away.” He recently won Oregon outright by 10 percentage points and fought her to a virtual tie in Kentucky, a state she carried overwhelmingly against Mr. Obama in the 2008 primaries. Mr. Sanders won’t go away, he has nothing to lose, and, even if he did go away, his voters just might spurn the Clinton dynasty and sit this one out.
But not before making noise. There will be more crowds in California as that primary draws near. There will be crowds in NJ (there already are—last Saturday right here in Montclair). Mr. Sanders has an energetic following. It’s amazing that this old guy can generate this kind of energy. It’s not so amazing that the old gal can’t. He wiped that imperious entitlement grin off her face early. As we’ve progressed through the primary season, those who didn’t know her learned about her and didn’t like what they saw and heard. She’s flawed, lyin’, and connivin’, and her smug, waffling husband is even worse (maybe less smug now than a year ago?).
She wants that old philanderer to solve the economic problems? Please, not another NAFTA! Not another crime bill (how is it that blacks support this deadly duo again?)! On the other hand, the more people hear about Mr. Sanders, the more they like him—except those old blacks and Hispanics and others swallowing the Dem establishment’s lies and forgetting about the she-devil’s negative attacks on Mr. Obama in 2008 that were stealthy racist appeals directed at white voters.