Review of Adam Kinzinger’s Renegade…
Wednesday, January 24th, 2024Renegade. Adam Kinzinger, author (2023). Between Liz Cheney’s book (reviewed last week) and this one, the reader will have most of the full story of what led up to January 6, 2021 and what has come after in the years that followed, laying the foundation for holding DJT accountable for the mayhem and murder that occurred as a consequence of his futile attempt to lead a coup against the duly elected new president Joe Biden and American government in general. You will only need to add the select committee’s full report to get the full story, one that most of the Marchin’ MAGA Morons don’t care about, of course. (Narcissus le Grand is their fuehrer, king, and lord who they believe walks on water. He will save them from all the non-white invaders and God deniers, don’t you know? But can he save them from themselves?)
Kinzinger’s is the most personal tale which nicely complements Cheney’s. He is more biographical and goes farther back in time. You peek inside his mind a lot more. His is a story about the makings of a true conservative, what fascist Trump and his fascist followers are not and never can be, because Kinzinger believes, as I do, that true conservatives are needed to balance that exuberant progressivism that so often fails to see the unplanned-for bad consequences of their policies. (“Sanctuary cities” are an obvious example because the federal government has so far refused to help them.) There are only a few such conservatives left in government, especially in Congress and SCOTUS. Many true conservatives in Congress have had to run for their lives literally because of fascist threats to them and their families. Even Kinzinger’s family members and friends who’d supported him in his political campaigns for the House in Illinois turned against him. He now lives near his wife’s family in Texas, of all places. (I’d never live in Texas; it’s a completely fascist state now, and it really belongs to Mexico.) And all his troubles maxed out when Cheney and he participated in that January 6th committee investigating Trump’s attempted coup. (Cheney had it worse in Wyoming. I imagine that both still have bodyguards as DJT’s “retribution campaign” for 2024 includes his spurring on followers to maim and kill anyone who defied him.) Remember the gallows erected on January 6 and the chants of “Hang Mike Pence!”? According to many fascist members of Congress, these were just ordinary Americans on a tour of the Capitol!
Kinzinger points out how Il Duce’s followers live in a fictional alternate reality created by their fuehrer and promoted by Fox News and other far-right media. That old Nazi spin-doctor Goebbels must be smiling. He had the original idea: Say lies often enough and stupid people will start believing them. Forget obvious idiots like QAnon’s conspiracy believers. American fascists keep saying that President Biden lost. He actually crushed DJT in both the popular vote and Electoral College, turning Narcissus le Grand into one of the biggest political losers in American history, which continued in the 2022 midterms. Trump has never won the popular vote, not even in 2016! Sadly, the Marchin’ MAGA Morons still believe these lies!
Kinzinger agonizes over and laments the nasty bifurcation and polarization in our country, this us-against-them attitude today’s Good Ole Piranhas continue to promote in their politics. He agonizes over how Trump has corrupted religious beliefs so much that they have become the evil tool of the fascists. And, like me but unlike Cheney, he’s not afraid to use the word “fascism” to describe what the current battle for America’s soul is all about. But Kinzinger, more than anything, laments the death throes of the Republican Party as it solidifies into the Fascist Party of America. He’s a voice crying in the wilderness, though, as the US sinks more into the fetid cesspool known as fascism.
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“Esther Brookstone Art Detective” series. This nine-book series follows some of Esther’s history in working for MI6 and Scotland Yard while also helping her paramour and later hubby Bastiann van Coevorden solve mysteries and bring criminals to justice (or vice versa). The art motif harks to her association with recovering stolen artworks and running a gallery, but the case histories recorded by her one-time boss in the Art and Antiques Division of the Yard, starting with Rembrandt’s Angel and ending with Celtic Chronicles (there’s a free PDF download, Defanging the Red Dragon, that’s a crossover novel involving Chen and Castilblanco, and the duo also appears in the “Inspector Steve Morgan” trilogy), the reader will enjoy these 21st century versions of Miss Marple (Esther’s a lot more limber!) and Hercule Poirot (Bastiann is Dutch not Belgian). Available wherever quality ebooks are sold (but not always on Amazon).
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