News and Notices from the Writing Trenches #25…
Friday, April 20th, 2012#145: What’s next on my agenda? While I’ve been thinking lately that my muses have discovered tasers, torturing me and Donna Carrick of Carrick Publishing to release my next books, I want to slow down a bit and think about what my next releases will be. I have a plethora of old and new ideas. It’s good to reassess which ones I will follow through on in the immediate future. Here are some of my thoughts.
I liked both my old character, the DHS agent Ashley Scott, and the new one, Mossad agent Judy Epstein—two strong women you will find helping detectives Chen and Castilblanco in Angels Need not Apply (although Judy works behind the scenes). Perhaps they deserve a more important role. That would be something new to explore in my writing. Although I haven’t neglected writing about strong women—Dao-Ming Chen and the two agents named above are but three examples—sometimes a character grabs a taser from a muse and goes at me too.