Ethics in writing…
Thursday, June 18th, 2015Part of being nice (Rule #1 from my article “Rogue Waves in Calm Seas”) is being ethical about how you treat readers and other writers. One of my interests is scientific ethics, but this is a little more general and more complex. Let’s say you receive a bad review from person X. Is attacking that person online ethical? If X is a writer, is it ethical to write a bad review of X’s book in revenge? I hope you agree with me that it isn’t.
I’ve been on both ends of this little debate. I received a questionable review and made the mistake of saying something like “I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy Y, but I can offer you a free copy of Z.” (I won’t go into details here because I have so few reviews you might be able to figure out who it is.) On the other hand, one person called me to task for a review I wrote, saying that I hadn’t even read the book (exactly what the first person did—he admitted it). Again, I apologized (I’m human and read a lot, so there’s a small probability I mixed the book with another—that’s about as likely as winning the lottery, though). But I also stuck by my guns (that’s Rule #2), and added the experience to my list of reasons to stop reviewing on Amazon and return to my mini-reviews for booksI casually read. (BTW, if I review a book, I’ve read it. For casual reading, I often only read it once. For my Bookpleasures reviews, I usually read the book twice, once as a casual reader and again with a critic’s eagle eye.)
If I sinned, it isn’t at the level I described in the first paragraph. But we can go farther. I once discussed a plot idea with an author who didn’t express any interest in the idea (I was thinking we might become the next Preston and Child). Later I found he’d written a book using basically that plot idea. Is that ethical? Whatever your opinion, it taught me a lesson that I’d better not discuss my plot ideas with other authors. I’ve worked hard over the years to accumulate what-ifs, story and character ideas, and possible venues for my novels. I’ve learned now to keep them to myself. (When you see an excerpt for the next ebook in a series at the end of the present one, be assured that novel’s done and in editing mode at least—it will be released before another writer can release her/his with the same plot idea.)