Climate control?
Tuesday, September 30th, 2014I’m amused by the euphemistic phrase “climate control.” Have we become so politically correct that we can’t say “don’t poison the environment” or “don’t kill Gaia”? Even the latter phrases don’t put the blame where it belongs. The very liberal NYC mayor Bill De Blasio is calling to reduce the Big Apple’s greenhouse gases by 80% by 2050. That’s laughable not only for the date but because NYC’s contribution represents one little drop in a huge ocean of pollution in the Northeastern U.S. Every wee bit helps, I suppose, but the city and its people don’t produce most of the greenhouse gases and pollution. It’s industry. Our slogan should be “control industry’s excesses.” But industry likes the phrase “climate control” because it avoids blame. It wants people to forget that it’s industry that’s destroying the planet. De Blasio is a nincompoop falling into industry’s trap. But what else is old news?
NYC might be producing tons of garbage and polluting waterways with sewage effluent, but industry is the culprit for that and other pollution as well. Has been, is, and will always will be, unless controls are enacted to lower greenhouse emissions. I don’t want to hear any whining about the cost. Sure, we want to make this reduction as painless as possible—heaven forbid that we use a few millions out of the many billions industry makes in order to clean up the planet it’s made into a dirty mess! Industry is naïve. Do they think they’ll still be making these billions when the world’s population is starved of oxygen and simmering on the polluted planet that’s fast becoming another Venus? Greed obviously has no foresight, no appreciation for future problems in its haste to roll in the dough. Industry lives for the present, not the future. It doesn’t give a rat’s ass about human beings, let alone the environment.