Op-Ed Pages #19: What does Putin have on Trump?

This question considering Il Duce’s bromance with the evil Russian has been asked many times by many people, and asked most notably by ex-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats (another person Narcissus le Grand fired, replacing him with a toady who knows absolutely nothing about national security!). It’s a reasonable question with the Putin-led attacks on the 2016, 2018, and 2020 electoral process. Maybe that’s what all that foreign debt is about? (Eric Trump is on record saying that they don’t need to borrow money in the US because they can get all they want from Russia?) In any case, that would give Trump an excuse for treason: Putin’s blackmailing me!

But Trump doesn’t deserve an excuse. He’s committed treason many times over and was nearly impeached for one of those flagrant and treasonous actins. He told George Stephanopoulos that he’ll use anything Putin gives him, which he did in 2018, and is doing so now. He tried to bribe the Ukrainian president and was impeached for it. (He wasn’t convicted because Moscow Mitch and the other Good Ole Piranhas, Trump’s toadies, didn’t allow it to happen, in spite of overwhelming evidence against Trump, but that impeachment still stands for all time! The People’s House has spoken!) He now uses a typical and whining autocratic tactic, saying that he won’t leave the White House even if Biden wins because the election will have been rigged if he loses.. Huh? And isn’t 200,000+ mass murders committed in the mismanagement of the pandemic enough treason perpetrated on the American public for you? That’s a crime against humanity!

However, let’s put the title’s question aside for the moment. While it’s one explanation of the Trump/Putin bromance, if Coats and his spy-minions couldn’t answer it, we still have plenty of evidence from other available information that Trump is a treasonous SOB. Michael Cohen describes the Moscow Trump Tower shenanigans in his book, and these went on during the 2016 campaign! If you believe Cohen (considering his pathetic situation, I have no reason not to) the bromance exists because Trump wants to have what Putin has: Putin owns an entire country, Russia! Trump not only admires Putin, Trump emulates him. They’re both like Mafia capos at the head of gangster mobs whose thugs, the oligarchs in Russia and the Good Ole Piranhas here, want to shake down their countries, raping and pillaging (the first, literally, in Trump’s case, if his treatment of women is any indication). That would also explain why Trump admires the world’s other autocrats as well—Kim, Netanyahu, Duterte, and many other dictators who rape and pillage their countries. He used to have a love affair with China’s Xi too, but now Trump blames the Chinese president-for-life (a title Trump aspires to) for COVID, blaming all the deaths from his mismanagement of the crisis on Xi. Maybe Trump’s followers are stupid enough to believe that (some of these attack Chinese in this country, although that might be more motivated by white-supremacy sentiments, which he supported in that infamous brawl called the first debate), but sane people will not believe it. (Most sane people don’t believe anything Il Duce says anymore. In fact, believing Trump might be a good definition of insanity!)

But what does Trump really admire about Putin et al? They can kill their enemies with impunity! Trump wants that power. So far he only destroys his enemies by ruining their reputations and their ability to make a living, but as capo of the gangster group, Trump Inc., he undoubtedly prefers that easier route, assassination. Putin excels at that. You can bet Trump’s respects to RBG included a whispered, “Thank you for dying, you old hag.” He can’t rise above partisanship and his all-out effort to destroy the country. Even the obnoxious Scalia could do that with RBG.

Yes, Kim and Xi do a pretty job in killing their enemies, but old KGB agent Putin is in another league. Navalny survived (Putin was probably livid that the assassin didn’t know that a poison’s killing power is determined by the weight and conditioning of the intended victim). Putin will even send agents into foreign countries to assassinate his enemies, even though that often is just a cur out for revenge. Journalists have been killed by Putin (do you doubt that Trump would like to kill Jonathan Karl and Bob Acosta?). Sometimes Putin makes a little bow to good international norms by arresting and trying enemies or even the accused assassins in sham trials (in Russia, you’re guilty until proven innocent, and, if you’re Putin’s enemy, you can never prove you’re innocent!). And when he’s feeling particularly evil, Putin shoots down an entire plane and blames his enemies, as he did with that Dutch plane over Ukraine.

Trump loves this, of course, because, like Putin, Trump has no moral underpinnings. Like Putin, Trump is a psychotic sociopath (if you didn’t see that on the debate stage, you’re probably one too—Chris Christie, are you reading this?), and he’s envious about Putin’s ability to do anything he wants and get away with it. (Maybe that’s why he boasted he could walk down Fifth Avenure and get away with it?) But Narcissus le Grand aka Trump can still be an American traitor even though he can’t do what Putin does (yet!). There are other ways to own a country. And, like Putin, it looks like Trump’s not content with just one more term either! Don’t let him own the US in 2020—he just might decide to become president-for-life like Putin and own it forever! You, the voter, have the moral responsibility to stop this wannabe Putin! #NeverTrump.


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Death on the Danube. At the end of Son of Thunder, #2 in the “Esther Brookstone Art Detective” series, ex-MI6 agent and ex-Scotland Yard inspector Esther Brookstone and Interpol agent Bastiann van Coevorden finally say their I-do’s. At the beginning of this new novel, #3 in the series, they embark on their honeymoon cruise down the romantic Danube. When a strange passenger who is traveling alone is murdered, Bastiann takes over the investigation because the river was declared international waters in the Treaty of Paris. Who really is this gaunt victim? And who on the list of passengers and crewmembers is the assassin? Mystery, thrills, suspense, and romance await readers who join them in their journey. You can’t take this trip now because of COVID, but you can join them in spirit. Available in ebook and print format at Amazon, and in all ebook formats at Smashwords and its affiliated retailers (iBooks, B&N, Kobo and Walmart, etc.) and affiliated library and lending services (Scribd, Overdrive, Baker & Taylor, Gardner, etc.). Click to see the book trailer.

Around the world and to the stars! In libris libertas!

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