Steve’s shorts: Who’s the Anti-Christ?

[One positive thing I can say about Mr. Trump is that he provides many opportunities for sci-fi that’s either post-apocalyptic or dystopian, maybe with a touch of noir humor because he is, after all, a comical figure with his orange face and fluffed, dyed hair. He holds grudges, and in this story he seeks revenge for something that goes all the way back to the 2016 election.]

“You can’t do that, Mr. President,” said the Secretary of State. “Even ignoring the religious aspect, the Vatican is a sovereign state.”

The great leader, who was a “very stable genius” by his own royal estimation, pretended to be considering that advice. The Secretary of State knew POTUS was considering whether he should fire the chief diplomat. He had already assumed the Secretary of Justice’s role as top cop, after all.

“Nope. Remember, I can do anything. My evangelical voters will love it. Most of them think he’s the Anti-Christ anyway.”

The new National Security Director, the tenth in thirteen years, beamed. “I’ll talk to the CIA Director!”


“I’ll do no such thing,” said the Pontiff, trying to see his inquisitor in the harsh light of the interrogation room. “Is this his stupid idea of revenge?”

“Everything will remain the same. All you have to do is go on Worldwide CNN and declare him to be your Almighty God. That’s not too much to ask.” The inquisitor leaned in to the Pontiff, who smelled the whiskey and garlic.

“And if I don’t?”

“They’ll have to elect another Pope who will.”


Three days later, a few in the crowd in St. Peter’s Square watched with heavy hearts as the white smoke billowed from the conclave’s chimney.

“Long live Pope Donald,” the others in the crowd roared.

That evening, on government-controlled Italian TV, members of Italy’s fascist dictatorship celebrated.


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The Golden Years of Virginia Morgan. What will the US government do in the future with its agents and other employees who know too many secrets? Find out in this tale about a frightening government conspiracy. While fiction, you might ask yourself, “Could this really happen?” I wrote it, so you already know my answer! Available in .mobi (Kindle) ebook format at Amazon, and in all ebook formats at Smashwords and its affiliated retailers (iBooks, B&N, Kobo, etc.) and library and lending services (Scribd, Overdrive, Baker & Taylor, Gardners, etc.).

Around the world and to the stars! In libris libertas!

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