Archive for March 2013

News and Notices from the Writing Trenches #44…

Friday, March 1st, 2013

#244: Calling all readers!  (Well, maybe not elementary school kids.)  Take a look at the books in my opus.  Let’s start with my new release, The Golden Years of Virginia Morgan.  Thriller and conspiracy lovers, take note.  Women tired of vampire romances, take note.  Baby boomers tired of watching ups and downs in their retirement funds, take note.  This sci-fi thriller is fast-paced entertainment that’s gripping and thought provoking.  (If you live in northern New Jersey, you will recognize the locales.  Talk about a local writer!)

Friend of androids and ETs and going where no sentients have gone before, take a peek at Sing a Samba Galactica.  The “Chaos Chronicles Trilogy,” comprised of Survivors of the Chaos, Samba, and Come Dance a Cumbia…with Stars in Your Hand!, is my Foundation series—all sci-fi thrillers containing enough hard sci-fi, military sci-fi, and space opera to entertain the most demanding sci-fi fan.

And for young adults and adults young at heart, don’t forget the sci-fi novel The Secret Lab, starring Mr. Paws and the Fearsome Four, as they solve a mystery on the International Space Station.  Become involved with traditional sci-fi a la Heinlein’s Podkayne series more than sci-fi fantasy like Star Wars or Harry Potter in space.  No magic, no light sabers, just good old scientific extrapolation that’s fun for everyone.
