Review of Katherine Hayton’s Breathe and Release…

(Katherine Hayton, Breathe and Release, Hayton, 2015, ISBN 978-0473330545)

I don’t know whether to call this mystery or horror or psychological thriller.  It has elements of all three, a deliciously evil blend that might remind some of The Silence of the Lambs (a book actually mentioned in this novel).  Be prepared.  Harris’ novel was simple in comparison to this one!

Elisabet was in a terrible accident; she’s now an amnesiac.  Lillian is a prisoner, locked in a basement cell without food and water.  Graeme is Elisabet’s ex; their divorce hasn’t been finalized, so he takes his amnesiac wife “home” to abuse her.  Kristen is Elisabet’s step-daughter; she hates her second mum and loves Daddy.  These interesting characters drive this story of violence, jealousy, and revenge.

The author cleverly takes her readers and these characters along a road of discovery, a road filled with twists and turns, multiple detours in space and time, and shifting points of view.  I can’t say much more in order to avoid spoilers, but I will state that things aren’t what they seem.  I began to figure out what’s really happening about halfway through in one of the flashbacks, but even then there were many surprises left.

Although the story is set in New Zealand’s Christchurch after the quake, it could easily take place almost anywhere—you won’t learn much about New Zealand except that its justice system is very British.  It’s a story of lies, intrigue, suspense, pain, and torture.  It’s a mystery that portrays the darkness hidden in some people’s lives.

There are some annoying quirks.  The most egregious were abrupt changes from third person to first, often in the same sentence.  Flashbacks and flash forwards often seem to overlap.  Call these stylistic flourishes if you like, but you have to pay attention.  (I took notes while reading, even the first time.)  There are also curious word substitutions (“change” incorrectly replacing “chance,” for example—word processors can’t catch those, only human editors).  There weren’t enough of these quirks to lose me, though.

If I were to pick one word to describe this novel, I’d pick “intense.”  My second choice would be “weird,” not in any paranormal sense but in a good way.  The intensity and weirdness slowly build.  There isn’t much action, but there’s a lot of quiet terror.  I’ve told you who the main characters are—the author jumps back and forth between them—but you have to determine what the crimes are and then who’s guilty of them.  You, the reader, have to be on a mission of discovery.  Have fun!

[Note from Steve: This is a reposting of my Bookpleasures review.  I received a free copy of this ebook in return for an honest review.]

In elibris libertas…

4 Responses to “Review of Katherine Hayton’s Breathe and Release…”

  1. Scott Dyson Says:

    Is this indie fiction? I’m assuming it is… Sounds interesting, I may check it out.

  2. Steven M. Moore Says:

    Hi Scott,
    The price ($3.99 on Amazon) indicates that it is. Reviewers at Bookpleasures often snatch the trad-pubbed ebooks before I do (the only way I’ll pay their price), leaving me lots of good indies to choose from. As usual, I pick the ones I read and review by reading the blurbs and “Peek Inside” (good thing Norm, who runs Bookpleasures, requires the book be available on Amazon). In this case, I was attracted to the setting, but the setting could have been anywhere. 😉 The book didn’t disappoint, at least for me.
    But wait a bit to buy. I think Katherine is going to correct some of the “quirks” I pointed out, so you might want to give her some time. That’s another advantage of indie ebooks–they’re just computer programs and the “program bugs” can be removed!
    PS. WP did an auto-update, yet your comment went through. Another unsolved mystery!

  3. Scott Dyson Says:

    Did you see my last two reviews on my site? I pinned my book release post to the top so visitors to my blog will see it and it won’t get buried (yet) (I plan on unpinning it in a week or so) but I’m still posting some things.

    Finished one of Mit Sandru’s vampire novels — his writing style reminds me of yours a bit. I like it. He tells a good tale.

    I’ll watch for the next edition. How can you tell, though, if someone has uploaded a corrected version?

  4. Steven M. Moore Says:

    Hi Scott,
    Yep, I saw the reviews. I like Alex. But Alex is a wee bit beyond my budget. Howey has been an indie champion, but I never got into his prose. I’m strange. I’m an avid reader, but I’m picky. With the glut of ebooks and authors now, we all have to be. Who has the time to read them all?