Monday words of wisdom…

Would-be totalitarian rulers usually start their careers by boasting of their past crimes and carefully outlining their future ones.—Hannah Arendt


Sci-fi book sale: More than Human: The Mensa Contagion and Rogue Planet are now on sale at Smashwords from October 1 through October 31. Their prices are reduced to $1.99—that’s one-third off. In the first novel, an ET virus changes the world, but in a good way, and leads to the colonization of Mars. In the second, there’s a wee bit of fantasy mixed into the hard sci-fi as Prince Kaushal leads his Second Tribe in their fight against the First Tribe’s brutal theocracy. Both books are stand-alone, not part of a series. Use the Smashwords coupon numbers when you check out. The second book is also available in a paper version on Amazon. Lots of exciting fall entertainment for a reasonable price!

In libris libertas!

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