Archive for March 2011

What is new? What is creative?

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

First off, let me advise my readers right up front that I love Broadway.  I’d much rather go see a bad Broadway or even off-Broadway play than watch any reality (far from it) show on TV.  In fact, if I were rich and had the energy, I’d be in NYC every week.  Both cost and energy keep my attendance down, whereas I won’t watch reality TV even if you paid me to do it (well, I suppose I do have my price—something like the last Megamillions jackpot would be nice).  I even enjoy regurgitated Disney schlock like Mary Poppins and The Lion King. My favorite show was the off-Broadway classic The Fantasticks, although I saw Phantom twice, once in NYC and once in Boston.

That said, last Friday I was struck by a segment of ABC’s Good Morning America where they had the cast from the revival of Cole Porter’s Anything Goes doing the musical number “Anything Goes.”  This music is so old that I played it in dance band in high school.  Right after or just before there was an ad for the new Broadway show The Book of Mormon, written by the South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, with music by Robert Lopez.  This is new, very new.


“An Irishman’s heart is nothing but his imagination.”

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

[I’m publishing tomorrow’s blog post a wee bit earlier to nudge it under the wire for St. Paddy’s Day.  We are faced with foreign policy disasters in the Middle East and tragic disaster in Japan, so perhaps a little Irish cheer is in order.  The following is an edited repeat from last year.  Ireland has been hit hard by the rot of the financial sector that spread round the world in 2008-2009, so she deserves a toast…raise a mug of green beer to old Eire.]

The title quote is by George Bernard Shaw.  Today is St. Patrick’s Day so I thought it was a perfect day to set the record straight: many great writers in the English language that you may have heard about are not English but Irish.  Shaw was one of them.  His plays and other writings poked fun at the English establishment, a commendable thing to do even today.  His biting wit transferred easily into words on the page and probably embarrassed everyone from royalty on down.  On the other hand, the endurance of his work over the years is proof of its quality—it is classic literature in the English language written by an Irishman.


Nuclear power versus nuclear bombs…

Wednesday, March 16th, 2011

I’ll give retrograde conservatives credit—they always seem to be more focused than liberal progressives.  In fact, the general fickleness of liberal progressives is often amusing.  Already they are screaming “Chernobyl!” and “Three-Mile Island!”  and “Down with Nuclear Power!” when just months ago they were wringing hands about the oil spill BP caused in the Gulf of Mexico.  You can’t have it both ways, folks.  One example taken from Dave Lindorff, Philadelphia-based journalist and columnist, says it all—his article is titled “The Idiocy and Hubris of Engineers” and comes down hard on GE and their reactors.  Mind you, Mr. Lindorff has no scientific or engineering training and quotes only so-called experts that support his agenda—apparently idiocy and hubris are contagious?


New additions to “Steve’s Bookshelf”…

Wednesday, March 9th, 2011

Those readers familiar with this website probably have visited the webpage “Steve’s Bookshelf” at least once.  A new addition to the subsection “Non-Fiction Recommendations” is Matt Taibbi’s Griftopia. I also have introduced the new subsection “Stealth Reads—Books by New And Promising Authors” where you will find Donna Carrick’s The First Excellence and Carolyn J. Rose’s Hemlock Lake.  Each of these books receives my recommendation, as does every book that appears on this page of my website.  I should hasten to add that neither Donna’s nor Carolyn’s novels is related to Matt’s book—they are associated only in that they appear in the same update to this webpage.  Matt’s blog can be found at the Rolling Stone websiteDonna and Carolyn also have their own websites.  All can be found on Facebook.


Al Qaeda – the reports of its death are greatly exaggerated…

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

Sunday’s N.Y. Times had a front-page article titled “Al Qaeda Sees History Fly By.”  This article is so naïve that it makes me want to cancel my subscription.  I suppose the true culprits are the editors who let such an affront to good journalism make it to the Times, let alone its front page.  What this article is referring to, of course, is the idea that all the uprisings across the Arab world are generated by ordinary people who have become fed up with authoritarian rule.  Al Qaeda has not been present in this process.  So far.  And that’s the problem.  What’s naïve is the foolish thought that they won’t be.
